Sunday 16 August 2015


of Orisa.

When we do speak of the said tradition of Orisa, is to now too, associate it all, and not with speak truly of Guardian Ancestors, or Great Ancestors too, but with speak, and of what some do term Ori that is. That Ori, can too be said religion in all, and that does speak of our said Hominid selves. and that within a said African Context, and that does speak too of Christianity, it all does too, speak of, and of what they do call, a Missal too that is. 

In saying that, Orisa, adoes differ and from speak of Orisha, and as said too, the very religion in all, and of the Hominid, is to now too, speak of Orisa, and as said taking to it Egyptian dimensions in all, and in said comparison here, and to speak of Orisha, and which does in all have to it all, said African dimensions that is. 

That in attempting to put this all, and in a said clear context, is to now speak too, and of said African Religion, and as said too Egyptocentric, and as versus that said too simply African that is. That this all, now does too say that, Orisa, speaks too of Religion in all, and that does accommodate speak of Ancestors, and as said Hominid too, but that in all again, you do have what they do call IFA, and as often perceived Oracle too, and which can be said correlated and to speak of Human/Social Behaviour, and that can be said Evolutionary in its ways too in all, and in a manner too, and that does speak of the Tsavo, and in Kenya, and of the said Wildlife in the place, and as said even truly differing in all, and in Behaviour, and from that seen in Wildlife and in the rest of Kenya that is. That IFA, is said Religion, not often correlated, and to speak too of (Mental) Disease that is [and if not of Evolution too, and as perceived, and from speak of Iwa Pele that is].

In saying that, the above, does speak of African Religion, and as said too Egyptocentric, is to now too, speak of African Religion, and as said Evolutionary too, and that does speak of Orisha, and if not of Lucumi, Santeria and Candomble too. That Africa, does differ and from Egypt, and in saying that, Orisha, does not actually speak of Ori, but does speak and of what one could term Aki/Akin, and as said too, and to speak of African definitions of Courage in itself, for African life in all, is often truly said perceived, and from speak of Aki/Akin that is, and in any said Endeavour too. In speak though of Lucumi, Candomble and Santeria too, speak now, and of Africans, and as said possessing to them, said even truly complex manners in all, and of defining Family that is. That the African Family, is known too, to possess, complex manners in all, and of defining Taboo for instance, and such that, African Families, are often said best regarded, and as said even Family systems truly that is [that what they do in all even call the Penitentiary System in the United States of America, would be said acceptable, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Africans do define Family that is]. In finality, speak now, and of Orisa/IFA, and as said too, to speak of the Obi Oracle, and an Oracle too, and that is believed said ancient in spirit in all, and such that, it probably does too, speak of Dinosaurs and in Africa, for in speak of African Religion and as said Orisha / Lucumi-Santeria-Candomble too, is to say it best said associated in all, and with speak and of the Merindinlogun Oracle, and an Oracle too, and that can be said to speak of Tortoise (and of Hare too), and if not of the famed Dodo Bird too that is.

In all, what can be said here, and in speak too of Orisa, and as said perceived and from speak of Destiny too, is to now too, associate speak of Orisa, and with the said term/word of Consonance, but in speak now too of IFA, speak now and of the said terms/words of Resonance, Assonance and Dissonance too that is.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Human History

Human History.

It can in all even be simply mentioned that, this very Blog, does in all even truly deal, and with speak of Human History in itself that is. Human History too, and as said even differing truly, and from speak now of Conventional History that is, for the latter in all, not only does speak too, and of Conventionalism in itself (and as versus speak of Routine too), and a History too, said marked in all, and by speak of the Event, and if not furtherly said Egyptian too, and in origins that is, and in speak now and of the very names, and of Djoser, or of Snefru/Sneferu too that is.

Human History though, is often believed said African, and in further speak now truly, and of the very word/term Indian that is, and as said even, to speak of the Americas too, and if not in speak now too, and of the Asiatic that is, and which does in all even best speak of Recorded History that is [and as said even referring, and to speak too of Cycles for instance, and if not of Menstrual Cycles too that is]. In all, a History too, said by many, truly Central Asian that is. and not Asian truly either.


Human History though, can too, best be said here, Egyptian, Greek, Italian, and if not African too [and specifically said]. For it can be said, Human History and as said even Egyptian too, now does speak of the Human, and as defined or said in all, truly Psychic, or as said described even, and in speak of Intuition in itself that is. Most though, do in all even truly wonder or ponder, if, Intuition, is actually said real, for it does in all even speak of Magic too for instance, for most in all, do in all even acknowledge that, the World and as said a real place, or functioning too, is believed even said Greek, and not truly Egyptian either. For Greek History in all, does associate Human History, and with speak of Righteousness in itself, and if not of Emotion truly, and as now said defined, and in speak of the Greeks, and as said Communicators too that is. In saying that, most do often believe, Egyptian History, defined truly, and by speak of Communications, is to now say too, that, the said word/name that is, and of Egypt, now does too, speak of Greek Communications, and if not of the Harp for instance, and as versus speak now and of those names said Egyptian too, and which do in all even refer and to speak too of KMT, Kemet, Ta-Seti, Misr, Kemit etc. 

In saying that, Human History, is truly believed in all, truly Italian, and not American either perhaps, is to now too speak of, what they do in all even term Parapsychology that is, and as said even, the very heights too, and of Human Potential in all, and if not in speak of the very names of Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello etc., for it does in all even speak too now, and of the Inner Self in itself, and if not of Terror/Horror in itself too that is, and as said even, a Human Condition too.

Human History though, can truly be said, simply African that is. For it does in all even emanate, and with speak of Hominids in themselves, and in further speak too now, and of the said even, Alien origins perhaps, and of Mankind/Humanity too in all, and as said even referring, and to speak truly of Gene (the God Gene), and as versus speak now of Genetics, Genomes, and if not of Geneticism/Genus too that is. That in all again, the Hominid, is now said too, Bi-pedal in his ways in all, but in speak now too, and of the God Gene, speak now and of Human History in all, and as best said perceived too perhaps, and from speak truly, and of the Handshake in itself for instance.

Sunday 29 March 2015



There are those, and who don't simply know, how best in all, and to go about thinking and of life in Africa, and as Africa in all again, and in Theory and if not Philosophy, is simply in all even said not Egypt either that is. In helping one understand all this better, African lives and as said mirroring those said Egyptian, and as versus speak of Africa, and as said paralleling Egypt in all, now does associate the Egyptian World so to speak, and with speak too of many a Force, and as said mitigating one too, and that does in all even track in all, Human Development so to speak. That for the Egyptians, and in speak too now, and of their being viewed in Character, and that can be said to speak too of the Greek term Ethos that is, and whereby in all again, Ethos now, does not actually speak of Fate in all, and as said Karma too that is, but that in all again, and of one and as simply said opening up, and to Nature in itself too perhaps, and in speak of many a Force, said Social too, or in speak too of 'the forces of Nature' that is, and if not those said Evolutionary too, and that do in all even guide one in life, and to any said destination or end, and that one might in all seek out [and without too much regard in all, and for the Means that is, and as with it all even simply said Humour in all actually].

Africa differs though, for in speak of Africa, and of Religion and as said African too, and in the very form/name of IFA, does in all even tell us, that Character in all, does speak too of 'Iwa Pele' that is. For 'Iwa Pele' in all again, does in all even say that, those with said Good Character to them in all, do find themselves guided through life, and in means too, and in speak now, and of Possession in itself that is. That African life and by some, is believed said best lived, and in a state of full Possession in all. In helping one see all this, speak now, and of the primary said function of Man in all again, and in life too, and on this very Earth, and in capacity too and in many a way, and that does in all even say that, Man is in all said on a World Stage of a kind, and as said too, an Actor that is. That the Actor, is simply in all even said possessed in all, and in everything he does, and if not in speak of Perception in itself, for the very world of the African, and in its lowest of levels, does simply speak of one, and as said a Character, and one too said obsessed, infatuated, haunted, tormented, consumed etc., and by life in itself too, and such that, above the Actor, does lie speak too, of the very world of Shakespeare in himself, or speak too, and of what some have termed, Dramatis Personae that is.

In all though, in speak now, and of an African Civilization, speak now truly, and of Africans in all, and in Body too so to speak, simply said Agents, and that can in all even be possessed, and by the greatest of 'Spirits' so to speak (and if not in speak of a Memory too), and that does in all even speak of one, and as said Agent Provocateur that is. In all, African Civilization, and as now envisioned, and in speak of Agents, and of good, bad and evil 'Spirits' in all, and as very much engaged in all again, and in the greatest of Dramas that is, and that does in all even speak of Humans, and as addressed in all, and not in speak of Is, or Be either that is, but in all again, in speak truly now, and of the very word Are that is [and in a said solely fashion too in all].



If one was to be asked in all, and to in all even state, define or describe Africa, wholly too, and in one word in all again, then what would it be? In all, it does actually speak and of whom/who in all one is said to be, and in speak too now, and from the very moment they do wake up, and in further speak too of everything else said and that does happen with them too that is. In all, speak now too, and of one, and as simply said defined, and in speak of Complements, and of Compellations (simple humour) too that is.

Saturday 28 March 2015

African Textures

African Textures.

When we do in all even, speak of African Textures, is to in all even now, speak and of the very role that Disease, Viruses and Bugs too, have in all even, played, and in the shaping in all, and not only of African Tongues & Speech that is, but in all truly even, and in speak too of African Voices in themselves that is.

However and in all again, this very post, very much has to do, and with speak and of African Textures, and as basically said here, and to speak of Nature in Africa, and as said in all even defining Africans, and not only and in speak, and of African Identity created that is, and in further speak too and of Homeopathy and Homeostasis that is, but that in all again, in speak truly, and of Spirituality and of Religion too, African, and as said perceived in all truly even, and in speak and of the Instinctive, and of Curiosity too that is.

In all, in speak here and of what one could term a Textural Analysis in all, and of anything (to do) that is, is to in all even say, that it does in all even speak too, and of simply what, an Electric Current, is simply said to be that is.

Monday 23 March 2015

Time Panels (2)

Time Panels (2).

In a said follow-up now, and to the previous entry on Time Panels (Link), is to now speak too, and of what Time Panels in all, do it is believed here in all again, embody that is. That for most, perhaps now in all, their being said truly Ignorant, and to what is believed said to define them in all again, and in speak too of Presence that is. That for most, speak now and of their being truly unaware and of whom/who in all they are and in Presence too, and if not in speak too of Absence, and of Absenteeism/Missing too that is.

That in all, knowing what the three do in all even refer to, Presence, Absence and Absenteeism/Missing in all, does now speak too and of the very fact that, what is believed said to speak of Presence, and at any said moment too perhaps, now does speak too, and of what is believed said to lie, and within ones midsts in all, and in speak too of Absence, and if not of Absenteeism too that is.

Thursday 19 March 2015

The African Memory

The African Memory.

This entry, now does presuppose, and on speaking on, what does in all even constitute, and for the African Memory in itself that is. That the African Memory in all, is believed said to rival that said Asian, and in speak too of Asian Religion, and as often said to speak of the Finite, and of the Infinite too that is. That the African Memory in all, is simply believed said diverse in its ways, and than that said Asian, and which is in all even believed said varied in its ways that is.

That in speak now and of the African Memory, and as most do know it, is to speak too, and of it said now Egyptian, and in speak too of a World in all again, and that does speak of 'the Neter' for instance, Gods/Goddesses, Deities and speak even of Energy Forms, and such as the Orisha or the Loa too that is [for the Loa in all, do speak too, and of Ancient Nubia for instance]. In having said that, the above mentioned/stated in all, does actually speak and of what is believed said a concrete Egyptian Memory and in Africa, and in speak here now, and of Egyptian Civilization, and as simply said truly African (Civilization) too that is.

In attempting to claim that Egypt, was truly African, and not fully Egyptian in all, is to now speak too, and of the very place in all, Africa, does meet Egypt that is. That this in all, now does speak too, and of the Egypt and of the Pharaohs too that is. That in all again, speak now and of the African Memory, and as said Magical, Traumatic or even Terroristic, and if not Mortifying too that is.

That in understanding all this better, is to now refer, and to speak of the African Memory, and as now said Greek too, and that does in all even speak too of Egypt, and in speak too of Oracles in themselves that is. That this in all, does speak of Africa in itself, and as defined, and in speak of the Obi/Obata, the Odu, and if not of Geomancy/Necromancy too that is. In speak though, and of the African Memory, and as said meeting that said Italian too, now does speak too and of those who do in all believe, African Civilization, simply said not real or not in existence, and in speak too of Symbolism that is. In speak of the African Memory, and as said meeting that and which does speak of Iraqi Civilization, speak now and of Africa, and in speak too of Cosmology, and if not of African perceptions in all, and of Ownership, Ritual, Rite, Custom, Dress etc. In speak of African Civilization, or of the African Memory, and as versus that said Meso-American /Olmec too, speak now and of Egyptian Sculpture/Hieroglyphs, African Masks/Artifacts, and of Meso-American /Olmec Sculpted works too that is. In speak of the African Memory and as referring and to speak of Europe too, speak now and of Forms & Motifs perhaps, and as said to speak too, and of Robin Hood, Shakespeare, and if not of the Kings of Scotland, and with they said too, of the Knights Templar mold too that is. In speak now and of the African Memory, and of Greek Macedonian Civilization, speak too, and of Egyptian Motifs, African Motifs, and as versus those said Macedonian too that is. In speak now again, and of Africa and Asia, and of the African Memory too, speak now, and of African Humour, Egyptian Humour, and of that said Asian too that is.

In having said all this, is to now revert and to speak and of what is believed said to speak of a genuine or authentic in all, African Memory, and as said to speak too, and of the Magical, Traumatic, Terroristic and Mortifying too that is. That in speak of the Magical, the African Memory, and as said Egyptian too, and as now referring and to speak of Snakes, Serpents and Ophidians too that is [Link]. In speak of the Traumatic, speak now and of the African Memory, and as said Nubian too, and in speak now and of Adders, Pythons and of Boas too that is. In speak of the Terroristic, speak now and of the African Memory, and as said to speak too of Libya in all, and in speak now of Reptiles, Lizards and Vipers too that is. In speak though, and of Africa, and of an African Memory, and as said truly African in all again, speak now and of it said Mortifying, and in speak too of Viruses, Disease and Bugs too that is [and with Bugs in all, believed the most deadly of these three that is].

In having said the above, it in all now is believed said to speak of Africans, and as possessing what some do term a Redundant Memory in all (and in speak too of the Type/Fit that is), and as versus that said Rote too, for the latter in all again, now does speak of Africans in all, and as said truly defined and in speak of the Tracker Archetype that is [or speak too and of Man and as perceived and in speak of Vessels, Containers and Repositories too that is].

In all, all this and as versus speak of those said outside Africa in all, and who do in all even operate truly, and from speak of Episodic and Seminal Memory too that is.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Animal Fossils

Animal Fossils.

(The National Museums of Kenya)

This entry, now does have the purpose and of attempting to explain in all, Animal Fossils, and as versus those said Human that is. The very belief here that, Human Fossils, and when in all acquainted, and with speak of Spirituality, now does too, speak of the Crucifix that is (or of peril too, and at any said moment), but in speak of Animal Fossils, the very belief here that, it does too speak of the Unconscious, the Dream world, and if not speak of the Credible in itself that is.



What exactly, are Intervals said to be? They in all, do speak too, and of Time Panels that is. That this all, now does speak too of Human History, and as said presented in all again, and in speak of Man, and in his said in all, realizing perhaps, the congruent nature of God, ones environs, and if not of Man in himself too that is [and as said too Intrinsic, Innate and if not Idiosyncratic and in his ways/manners that is]. In all, the congruent Nature of many a thing, and as now and in all even said to speak of Intervals and Time Panels too, and if not of Myths & Legends too that is.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Human History

Human History.

When we do speak of Human History, we are in many a way now, referring to History, and as said to speak too of Routines in all, and as presupposed in all again, and to speak too of Convention that is. That often said Conventional History, now does speak too of the Event, and in speak too of that said Staged that is, and which does in all even bond, many a person, and as said Human in all, and to his very World so to speak, and such that, just about everything around him in all again, is said very much perceived or judged, and from speak too of that said Event that is.

In all, Human History, now does differ too, and from other versions of History, and as it does in all even ponder, Mans relation, direct, and to God in himself too that is. That God in all, and as said in indirect opposition to Man now, does make his very presence said manifest in all, and in speak too of Man and as said discerning his presence in all again, and in speak too of Performance, Exposure and Observation too that is.

That in speak of Performance in all, speak too now, and of life and in Perfection, simply said to speak of Performance, and outside it, Man too, and as said finding his World barren in its ways that is. In speak of Exposure, Man and as now said finding/discovering the thrills of life, and as said to speak too of Exposure, and of the Witness too that is. In speak of Observation, Man in all, and as said very much finding or knowing himself, and as said Solitary too that is.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Man can in all even be said described in all, and in one word/term that is.

The first of these can be said to  speak of Capacity, and in speak too of Man, and as simply said Wandering through life that is.

The second of these, can be said to speak of Bias, and in speak too of Man, and as said Lost in his ways that is.

The third of these, now does speak too of Bile (or of Man too, and as said in Anger), and in speak too of Man, and as simply said Searching that is.

In all, Human History, and as simply said grounded in all again, and in speak too of the Transgression that is.

Sunday 15 March 2015

The Staged Event

The Staged Event.

The Staged Event, and as now referring here, and to the 1989 Kenyan Population Census, and under the former Moi Regime in all, and which did attempt in all to claim, that Kenya's population, was simply said to number, and from speak of the 20 Million in all, and onwards and to speak too of the infamous Number/Count in all, and of 33 Million people, and as said in all again, inhabiting Kenya that is. A Population Census, many did in all even associate, and with speak of Hegemony, and under the Moi Regime, and in speak now and of the rise and birth of Inefficiency and Corruption, and in Kenyan Political/Social Circles in all, and in further speak too of Government Officials, and as now associating Kenya and with speak of the Lackluster, and in speak now, and of growing Civil Unrest, and as said to refer and to speak of Domesticity in itself too that is. In all, a figure conjured up in all it is believed, and in the attempt, it is believed said, to help make Kenyans in all, Nationalistic, and in accordance to Moi's Nyayo Philosophy, and as said in all even now speaking of the very belief that, Nationalism, and under the Moi Regime, now does speak too, and of Ethnic Cleansings, and as very much said instigated or originating too, and within the Moi Government or Cabinet too that is. In all, a Kenya now said believed, housing many a person/people in all, said truly unhappy with their lives, and in speak too of Social Identity in Kenya, and as said even now, highly Tribalized or Racialized too that is.

In all again, the very belief that Kenya's population in all, still does very much number around the 7 - 12 Million ballpark figure in all, and in speak now and of the old saying and in regards to speak of Development in Kenya, and that does say too, 'Water does in all finds its own level' that is [and in speak too and of the name of Archimedes too for instance].

Sunday 8 March 2015



The Man in the Iron Mask

The Man in the Iron Mask.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the false viewing, and of Africa's problems, and from speak too of Help, Aid and Assistance that is. That this manner in all and of viewing Africa's problems, does speak too of Viruses and Disease (Link), and does in all even speak of Africans and in Selfishness, Pride and Arrogance too that is.

The above manner in all, and of viewing Africa, does not present a realistic picture in all, and of Africa's problems, and as it does in all even assume Africans, and to be pitiful creatures, and with no culture to their names, and in many a way truly, said clueless in all, and in regards and to speak of support for instance. This is not actually true or false in all, but in many a way truly, it all does not arrive in all again, and in conclusion too, and in viewing Africa's problems in all, and from speak too of the core that is. That Africa and at the core, does simply speak it is believed here, and of it all viewed, and from speak of Security, Protection and Preservation too that is.

It is in speak of Security and Africa, that History in all, now does speak of Africa, and in speak too of Slavery or Colonialism too that is. That Security in Africa, does differ and from that seen around the World, and as does speak too, of Food Security in itself that is. For in speak of Africa, Security now, and as said to speak truly of Social Security in itself that is. In all, the African Homestead, and as versus speak of the Household and as seen in many another part of the World, for the Household in all, does speak too primarily and of Budgets and Food Security, while the Homestead, does in all even refer and to speak of Psycho-Somatic Health that is [and as including speak of Aids too for instance].

It is in speak of Protection and Africa, that one in all again now does see many, believing African societies in all, or existences truly, and to be more complex in their ways, and as often said described as truly dynamic, and if not vibrant too that is. That Protection in many another part of the World, is believed said to speak of Defence and Defense truly, and if not of Offence, while in Africa, it does speak too, and of Networks, Systems, and if not of Political Organs too that is. That the African Market for instance, does speak truly of Protection in itself, and in speak now and of those who do present themselves at the Market, and to very well present themselves to others, and in speak now and of attempting to very much secure a future for themselves that is. That Drought (and in speak of Ideas too), and speak too of Disease, Mental, are believed said a part of the African Experience, and that the Market place in all, was believed a place and where, Africans in all would interact, and in speak now of Wellness, Welfare and Wellbeing too that is [and as said too, paramount in all, the Market place and in African Political life, and in the creating of an African Social Identity that is].

In speak of Preservation and Africa, speak now and of Africans, and as said defining themselves, and not in speak truly of Shame, but in speak of Shaming that is [and in speak too of one and as said always in Fear that is]. That Africans Politics in all, and that do speak too of African Tribal or Indigenous Identities, do in all even very much speak of Shaming, and not in speak of African Humour truly, but in speak of the African Memory perhaps, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the Sightly, and of the Timely too that is [and with it all even said speaking of Divination and in Africa too that is]. In all, speak now and of African Behaviour, and as often said associated and with speak of Africanization, and if not speak too of Critics that is.

Friday 6 March 2015

Saartjie Baartman

Saartjie Baartman.

Saartjie Baartman, or the Hottentot Venus, was said a Woman, African, who did in all even represent, just whom in all again, Africans are said to be, and when having lost it all that is. That in all, it does speak too, and of stereotypes of Africans, and as simply said Caged that is [and as a Wild Animal, would be said to be]. 

In helping one understand just whom/who in all, Saartjie Baartman was said to be, is to now and in all even speak of African definitions and of Sex/Money, and Gender too that is. That in speak of Sex/Money, we are in all even referring here, and to the Dual Nature of Man (Link), but in speak of Gender, speak now too, and of GRAC (Gender, Race, Age, Class) that is. That in this regard, Sex/Money and Gender, Africans in all, are very much perceived Inferior, and to all other peoples in the World, and in regards and to the very manner/way in all, they do define themselves as such that is.

In saying that, Africans and on a daily basis, and as said suffering from poverty too, and if not speak of Spiritual Sickness (and a belief that God does not care for Africans in all), now does speak too of whom/who in all they are and with Media, and that does in all even speak of Sex/Money and Gender too that is. That in helping many an African resolve this problem, their being in all, perceived, as probable Caged Animals, or speak too, and of their perceiving themselves truly inferior, and in speak now and of their definitions of Sex/Money and Gender too, and of African Standards of Beauty, and if not of African Physicality / Physical Prowess that is [that Africans in Body, have been said described as 'Buckwild Negroes' that is], is to now and in all, offer a probable solution here, and that does speak of African definitions of Sex/Money, and as now said to speak of Prayer/Offering, and of Gender, now truly said speaking of the Tracker Archetype / Hunter that is.

In saying that, the above in all, does speak too and of the most base of ways in all, and of surviving / survival in Africa, is to now present alternate ways of living, easy to conceptualize in all, and in speak now and of it all said African History, and if not Egyptian too that is.

That the first of these, now does speak too, and of the so termed Divinational Tray, the Opon Ifa too, and in speak now of African Identity and as created and as based on speak of the Tray, and in speak too of the Food Tray for instance. In all, the Tray, and as said at the very center in all, and of Community so to speak [and as including speak of the Doctor's Tray, or speak too of the Cash Tray / Till that is].

The second of these, now does speak too, and of what they do term the Tribunal. For the Tribunal, now does speak too of Africans concepts of Justice, and on an everyday basis, and that does speak too of the Kangaroo Court (and of Family life), the Council, and of the Committee too that is. 

The third of these, now does speak too of African Health, and as said to speak of African Food substances / stuffs, and which do in all even refer, and to a said Yoruba IFA tradition, and as seen amongst the likes of Baba Ifa Karade for instance, and that does speak too of African Health, and as acquainted and in speak too of an African Chakra System that is. That in all, African Food substances / stuffs, and such as Aloe, do in all even speak of one, and as said truly cleansed off, or forms of worry/doubt that is, and in speak now and of what is believed said to represent for a truly Healthy Body that is [and in further speak too of a truly Healthy Mind too in all].

Wednesday 4 March 2015



This entry, will deal, and with an issue in all, and that most would find to be of interest, and in regards and to speak of perceptions, and as pertaining and to speak of History that is. That Africa, is a Continent not known to most, and as most things said African, actually do have to them, inspiration, and that does speak too of Egypt and Nubia that is. That in helping one understand this all much better, is to now say that, the Cross, is in all even Egyptian, while the Crucifix, does in all actually truly speak of Africa that is.

In getting started on all this, is to perhaps mention that, the so often called African Memory, and if not partially said Swahili too, does in all even reference in all again, Egypt that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now say that, Africa, and in a Nutshell too, and in speak of Mediation in all perhaps, it does in all even speak of what they do term the Obi Oracle that is. That in understanding all this, much too clear, and in saying that Africa, does very much have its own Memory, and one too, most have never been truly exposed too, and with most in all even, falsely believing it all, said Nubian that is, is to now say, that the Obi, does speak truly of Africa in Egypt that is.. That the Obi, is actually Egyptian in origins, but that the Obi is in all again, not Oracle in itself actually, but Memory too, and as now said deciphered, and from speak too of Knowledge Storage Systems (KSS), and if not of Knowledge Retrieval (KR) too. That in all again, the Human, is believed said in all even Memory in itself, and if not Vessel/Container too, and such that, the Obi, does allow for one to Memorize things in all, or Register them too, and in a manner/way in all again, and that does speak of Survival in Africa, and if not too and of the African Memory in itself that is [and in speak too now, and of what some do term, a Line of Thought/Thinking, and in further speak too of the Direct, and of the Indirect too that is].

In saying that, the above does speak of the African Memory, and of Africa in Consciousness, and not of Nubia either (and which does in all even speak of Africa and in Custom), is to now say that, Africa is believed said many another thing, and that most have never been exposed too that is [for most Africans in all, do in all adjudge themselves as African, and in speak of Custom too that is]. However, there does exist another Africa it is said, and that not said Obi either (and of the Serpent too for instance), or speak too of that, which does not refer and to Custom that is [and in speak here too of Hare that is]. That this Africa, does in all even speak of Adders, and if not of Rock Pythons too that is. That this Africa, does not ascribe in all, Existence or Reality, and to speak of Consciousness (and if not Awareness in all), but in all truly, and to speak of Hallucination in itself that is. That Hallucination, now does speak too of Lucid/Translucent Dreaming, and if not of the exposure and to a Higher Reality, and that does speak too of a Viral/Virus Infection for instance [and one said serious too]. That in all again, not only are Adders or Rock Pythons, not said Serpents truly, or Snakes either, but could be termed Serpentine/Serpentile in all but not, and in speak now, and of the ability to in all defeat a Virus and in Infection, speaking of those capable of imagining or envisioning in all, Higher Realities, and that do battle the very strong said even, Depressed states so to speak, a Virus, can very well place one in that is. In all, Africa, and as said defined and in speak of Trauma, and if not of Shock/Exclaim truly either.

In saying that the above now, is not Africa and as most truly do know it, is to now and in all again, speak of Africa, and from many a certain Body Consciousness perspective, and if not speak of Sensitivity in itself too that is. That the first of these, now does speak too of the African, and as fundamentally described and in Humour and Intelligence/Intellect too, and in speak of Art that is. That this in all, is the very manner/way in all again, most should view Africa today, and in speak too of its poor peoples in all, and in saying that, base/fundamental intelligence in all, and in Africa, does speak too of Art, and as versus speak of that said Egyptian and as found in many another part of the World too, and that does in all even speak of Ritual & Worship, and if not of Proverbs, Sayings and Idioms too that is. That in all, Africa, and in Art, and in base/fundamental Intelligence, is simply said Vodou/IFA, and in speak of most in Africa today, simply said not of African Humour in all that is [but that in all again, and which does speak of the Post-Slavery, Post-Colonial, Africa, and if not speak of Negritude/Fetishism and in Africa too that is][for Vodou in all, does attempt to speak of the African Gods/Goddesses, and as versus those said Egyptian, while IFA, does in all even tell us that, Africa, does in all even rival Egypt, and in speak of Humour/Myth too that is].

It is in speak though, and of Africa, and as with regards and to speak of the Crucifix, that in all again, the very Contents of this Blog, do in all even begin, to make sense that is. That the Cross in all, and as said too, truly Egyptian, does ask of us, to in all believe in many a thing, that many another, and as said a fool too, never would believe in that is. The Crucifix on the otherhand though, does simply tell us, that every moment lived, could very well speak too, and of peril in itself that is [and in speak of one and as said not listening truly that is][but speak too in all, and of Africa, and as said associated truly, and with speak of Hunters, Adventurers and Explorers too that is].

There are other Africa's, and that do exist, and that do in all even speak of Africa, and as said Continental, and in speak too now of Spain that is. That speak of these said Africa's in all, do in all even ask of one, and to in the very least, to in all even, compare or associate, the African Memory, and to that which does speak of Spain too that is. That Morocco for instance, and as versus Spain, does speak too of Casablanca, but in speak too of Abyssinia/Ethiopia, speak now and of the African Memory, and as said to speak of Europe/Byzantine, and if not of Israel/Solomon, and of the Yemenite too that is. South Africa on the otherhand, does now attempt to in all ascribe/reference development that is, and to speak too of Australia, South America, India and if not of North America too, and in Memory too that is, and in speak now of South Africa, and as often said not African that is. 

There is another Africa though, and that does now in all even speak of Herbology and in Africa too that is. The very belief that, the Body, Human, is simply said Electro-dynamic in its ways/manners in all, and in speak too of a Pulse, a Signal and if not of a Tick too that is, and that does in all even speak of those who do in all again believe in the Subconscious Programming of the Mind that is. That this in all, now does speak too of a Spirituality, African too, and that does speak too of the Aloe Vera plant in all, and as said in all even, a plant, and that does speak truly of African Bodies, and if not of what they do term Elevated States of Consciousness that us, and as said referring in all, and to speak too of Man, and as said Intellectual, Spiritual, in Meditation, Probable, Intelligent (association/clustering/classification), Rational, Moderate/Reasonable etc. [that this Spirituality in all, is believed actually truly the very one, and that does speak too of God in himself that is].

Sunday 1 March 2015



This entry, will attempt to speak and on differing Evolutionary Models in all, and that do make for this Blog that is. That the Evolution of the Hominid, and in speak too of a Group Consciousness, is not what it appears to be, and in speak now of Spirituality, African, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Hominids too that is.

The first of these, and as mentioned in a previous post, does in all even speak, and of the Elixir, and as now too associating Man, and in Evolution, and with speak of Myth (Outer life), and Archetype (Inner life), and with both in all said connected to each other, and in speak of a God/Goddess, and if not speak too of Shakespeare in himself that is. In all, A Model, and that does arise too, and with speak of Egyptian Civilization, and of the numerous Egyptian Gods/Goddesses too that is.

The second of these, can now and in an African Context, be said and to speak too of Nigeria in all. It in all again does ascribe in all, one thing, and to speak of life in itself: Courage / Aki. That what is Courage? Something not too easy to explain, but speak too, and of life and as described and in speak of Bases/Foundations, and of the Basic too that is. That in speak of the Base, speak now and of the very manner/way in all, one does define Being that is, and such that, it does in all even now refer, and to speak of Folklore and in Nigeria too that is [and if not of the Itan in all][Link]. In speak of the Basic, speak too of being, and in speak now in all, and of Who, Whom, Which, Where, Why, When and How too that is.

The third of these, now does in all, speak and refer in all again, and to Spirituality, African, and that can be said to speak of Kenya/Tanzania, and if not of the Crucifix too that is. That it in all again, now does speak of one, and as said possessing a said truly Clean Conscience in all, and if not speak too and of what they do call in IFA that is, 'Ori tutu' in all. That what in all again, is said a truly Clean Conscience, or speak too of 'Ori tutu'? It in all, is believed to speak of one and as said fearless, shameless, adroit, thankful/grateful, sentimental etc., and such that, 'Ori tutu', is believed said truly varying, and as with it all even referring, and to someone, and as said always truly Trying, and in speak too of Perfectionism in itself that is. In all, while the first is believed to speak of Skeletons, the second, Courage, said to speak of the Skeletal, the third, now does speak truly of Bones/Skulls in all.

In all, while the above can be said to refer and to speak of Ori, one does also have what they do call the Iponri (or Higher Self), and which does in all even speak of one and as said truly Advanced in all, and in speak of Cognition too, while speak of Ori Inu, now does speak of one and as said truly Advanced in all, and in speak of Imagination too that is.

Thursday 26 February 2015

The Hurdle

The Hurdle.

Many have probably heard of the word/term in all, the Hurdle, and as often said to speak, and of American Football that is. The Hurdle though, is often said too, associated truly, and with the said greatest Game/Sport of them all: Rugby [and as often said  too and unknown to most, an American creation that is]. The Hurdle though, is believed said known too, and to the most ancient in all, and of our Ancestors, Hominid, and as with it all even said to speak, and of a gathering, close-knit in its ways too in all, and around a said made Fire that is.

In many a way the Hurdle in all, does allow for us to understand Evolution, and in speak too of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is. In helping one understand all this better, Evolution, and as often said a complicated Field of Study perhaps, is to in all now even mention that, many a said Evolutionary Scientist in all again, and as often said Westerner too, does in all even present it all, and from speak too of Evolutionary Theory, and in further speak too of Fossils, Archaeology, and of Man and in Adaptation too that is. In helping one understand all this, speak too now, and of Civilization, and that does in all even speak not only of Egypt, but in many a way truly, and of Ancient  Britain that is, and in speak now and of Civilization arising, and in speak and of Man and in Religion [Link], Primordial. and as simply defined again and by speak of Courage, Innocence and Humility too that is [though in all again, the latter three, do speak truly of Ancient Britain that is] [Link].

Beautiful Times on Earth those were, the very days of King Alfred the Great, and in telling one now that, in speak of Evolutionary Psychology, speak now, and of Man, and as defined and in speak of Methodology, Physiology, Psychology, Theology, Ideology, Ontology, or speak even and of the Organizational too that is. In saying that, Evolutionary Psychology, does in all even speak of Kundalini for instance, and of South Asian Buddhist Traditions too [Link], and in speak now and in all again, and of the Egyptian World, and in said Migration and into Asia too that is, and in now too referring and to the Hurdle, and as said referring and to speak of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is, and as versus speak of Instinct in itself, and that does speak too of Evolutionary Theory that is.

That in all again, Evolutionary Instinct/Games in all, can best be perceived here, and in speak of Africa too, and in speak in all again, and of Egypt, Africa and South Africa too that is. That it all now, does speak too of Disease in itself, and as said Deadly, and of Viruses too, and as said a Threat or Deadly too that is. That in understanding all this better, speak now and of Egypt, and of Alzheimers/Parkinson Disease that is, and of Cancer/Diabetes and South Africa too, and of Ebola/Hepatitis and the rest of Africa that is. That in speak of Egypt, Evolutionary Instinct/Games, and of the Hurdle too, speak now, and of Ancestor/Ancestral Traditions in all, and in speak too of a said great Taboo, and by Egyptians in all, and in not adhering and to the very lives, and of their Ancestors / the Neter that is [that in all, Parkinsons Disease, now does speak too, and of African Health, and as defined truly, and in speak of Diet in itself for instance, and as said Traditional too that is]. In speak of South Africa, and in speak too and of the prevalence of Cancer/Diabetes, speak now, and of what does constitute for Human Existences in all, and of the Hurdle, and in speak of Immunity too that is [and further speak too here, and of the Wizard of Oz, and of Alice in Wonderland too that is]. It is however and in speak of the rest of Africa, and in speak too now of Ebola/Hepatitis that is, and of the Hurdle, and of Evolutionary Instinct/Games too, speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, Harm, Injury or Mutilation too, does impact one, and in speak now and of the Tenacity too, needed in all, and to ward off Ebola for instance [Link].