Saturday 28 March 2015

African Textures

African Textures.

When we do in all even, speak of African Textures, is to in all even now, speak and of the very role that Disease, Viruses and Bugs too, have in all even, played, and in the shaping in all, and not only of African Tongues & Speech that is, but in all truly even, and in speak too of African Voices in themselves that is.

However and in all again, this very post, very much has to do, and with speak and of African Textures, and as basically said here, and to speak of Nature in Africa, and as said in all even defining Africans, and not only and in speak, and of African Identity created that is, and in further speak too and of Homeopathy and Homeostasis that is, but that in all again, in speak truly, and of Spirituality and of Religion too, African, and as said perceived in all truly even, and in speak and of the Instinctive, and of Curiosity too that is.

In all, in speak here and of what one could term a Textural Analysis in all, and of anything (to do) that is, is to in all even say, that it does in all even speak too, and of simply what, an Electric Current, is simply said to be that is.