Wednesday 4 March 2015



This entry, will deal, and with an issue in all, and that most would find to be of interest, and in regards and to speak of perceptions, and as pertaining and to speak of History that is. That Africa, is a Continent not known to most, and as most things said African, actually do have to them, inspiration, and that does speak too of Egypt and Nubia that is. That in helping one understand this all much better, is to now say that, the Cross, is in all even Egyptian, while the Crucifix, does in all actually truly speak of Africa that is.

In getting started on all this, is to perhaps mention that, the so often called African Memory, and if not partially said Swahili too, does in all even reference in all again, Egypt that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now say that, Africa, and in a Nutshell too, and in speak of Mediation in all perhaps, it does in all even speak of what they do term the Obi Oracle that is. That in understanding all this, much too clear, and in saying that Africa, does very much have its own Memory, and one too, most have never been truly exposed too, and with most in all even, falsely believing it all, said Nubian that is, is to now say, that the Obi, does speak truly of Africa in Egypt that is.. That the Obi, is actually Egyptian in origins, but that the Obi is in all again, not Oracle in itself actually, but Memory too, and as now said deciphered, and from speak too of Knowledge Storage Systems (KSS), and if not of Knowledge Retrieval (KR) too. That in all again, the Human, is believed said in all even Memory in itself, and if not Vessel/Container too, and such that, the Obi, does allow for one to Memorize things in all, or Register them too, and in a manner/way in all again, and that does speak of Survival in Africa, and if not too and of the African Memory in itself that is [and in speak too now, and of what some do term, a Line of Thought/Thinking, and in further speak too of the Direct, and of the Indirect too that is].

In saying that, the above does speak of the African Memory, and of Africa in Consciousness, and not of Nubia either (and which does in all even speak of Africa and in Custom), is to now say that, Africa is believed said many another thing, and that most have never been exposed too that is [for most Africans in all, do in all adjudge themselves as African, and in speak of Custom too that is]. However, there does exist another Africa it is said, and that not said Obi either (and of the Serpent too for instance), or speak too of that, which does not refer and to Custom that is [and in speak here too of Hare that is]. That this Africa, does in all even speak of Adders, and if not of Rock Pythons too that is. That this Africa, does not ascribe in all, Existence or Reality, and to speak of Consciousness (and if not Awareness in all), but in all truly, and to speak of Hallucination in itself that is. That Hallucination, now does speak too of Lucid/Translucent Dreaming, and if not of the exposure and to a Higher Reality, and that does speak too of a Viral/Virus Infection for instance [and one said serious too]. That in all again, not only are Adders or Rock Pythons, not said Serpents truly, or Snakes either, but could be termed Serpentine/Serpentile in all but not, and in speak now, and of the ability to in all defeat a Virus and in Infection, speaking of those capable of imagining or envisioning in all, Higher Realities, and that do battle the very strong said even, Depressed states so to speak, a Virus, can very well place one in that is. In all, Africa, and as said defined and in speak of Trauma, and if not of Shock/Exclaim truly either.

In saying that the above now, is not Africa and as most truly do know it, is to now and in all again, speak of Africa, and from many a certain Body Consciousness perspective, and if not speak of Sensitivity in itself too that is. That the first of these, now does speak too of the African, and as fundamentally described and in Humour and Intelligence/Intellect too, and in speak of Art that is. That this in all, is the very manner/way in all again, most should view Africa today, and in speak too of its poor peoples in all, and in saying that, base/fundamental intelligence in all, and in Africa, does speak too of Art, and as versus speak of that said Egyptian and as found in many another part of the World too, and that does in all even speak of Ritual & Worship, and if not of Proverbs, Sayings and Idioms too that is. That in all, Africa, and in Art, and in base/fundamental Intelligence, is simply said Vodou/IFA, and in speak of most in Africa today, simply said not of African Humour in all that is [but that in all again, and which does speak of the Post-Slavery, Post-Colonial, Africa, and if not speak of Negritude/Fetishism and in Africa too that is][for Vodou in all, does attempt to speak of the African Gods/Goddesses, and as versus those said Egyptian, while IFA, does in all even tell us that, Africa, does in all even rival Egypt, and in speak of Humour/Myth too that is].

It is in speak though, and of Africa, and as with regards and to speak of the Crucifix, that in all again, the very Contents of this Blog, do in all even begin, to make sense that is. That the Cross in all, and as said too, truly Egyptian, does ask of us, to in all believe in many a thing, that many another, and as said a fool too, never would believe in that is. The Crucifix on the otherhand though, does simply tell us, that every moment lived, could very well speak too, and of peril in itself that is [and in speak of one and as said not listening truly that is][but speak too in all, and of Africa, and as said associated truly, and with speak of Hunters, Adventurers and Explorers too that is].

There are other Africa's, and that do exist, and that do in all even speak of Africa, and as said Continental, and in speak too now of Spain that is. That speak of these said Africa's in all, do in all even ask of one, and to in the very least, to in all even, compare or associate, the African Memory, and to that which does speak of Spain too that is. That Morocco for instance, and as versus Spain, does speak too of Casablanca, but in speak too of Abyssinia/Ethiopia, speak now and of the African Memory, and as said to speak of Europe/Byzantine, and if not of Israel/Solomon, and of the Yemenite too that is. South Africa on the otherhand, does now attempt to in all ascribe/reference development that is, and to speak too of Australia, South America, India and if not of North America too, and in Memory too that is, and in speak now of South Africa, and as often said not African that is. 

There is another Africa though, and that does now in all even speak of Herbology and in Africa too that is. The very belief that, the Body, Human, is simply said Electro-dynamic in its ways/manners in all, and in speak too of a Pulse, a Signal and if not of a Tick too that is, and that does in all even speak of those who do in all again believe in the Subconscious Programming of the Mind that is. That this in all, now does speak too of a Spirituality, African too, and that does speak too of the Aloe Vera plant in all, and as said in all even, a plant, and that does speak truly of African Bodies, and if not of what they do term Elevated States of Consciousness that us, and as said referring in all, and to speak too of Man, and as said Intellectual, Spiritual, in Meditation, Probable, Intelligent (association/clustering/classification), Rational, Moderate/Reasonable etc. [that this Spirituality in all, is believed actually truly the very one, and that does speak too of God in himself that is].