Sunday 1 March 2015



This entry, will attempt to speak and on differing Evolutionary Models in all, and that do make for this Blog that is. That the Evolution of the Hominid, and in speak too of a Group Consciousness, is not what it appears to be, and in speak now of Spirituality, African, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Hominids too that is.

The first of these, and as mentioned in a previous post, does in all even speak, and of the Elixir, and as now too associating Man, and in Evolution, and with speak of Myth (Outer life), and Archetype (Inner life), and with both in all said connected to each other, and in speak of a God/Goddess, and if not speak too of Shakespeare in himself that is. In all, A Model, and that does arise too, and with speak of Egyptian Civilization, and of the numerous Egyptian Gods/Goddesses too that is.

The second of these, can now and in an African Context, be said and to speak too of Nigeria in all. It in all again does ascribe in all, one thing, and to speak of life in itself: Courage / Aki. That what is Courage? Something not too easy to explain, but speak too, and of life and as described and in speak of Bases/Foundations, and of the Basic too that is. That in speak of the Base, speak now and of the very manner/way in all, one does define Being that is, and such that, it does in all even now refer, and to speak of Folklore and in Nigeria too that is [and if not of the Itan in all][Link]. In speak of the Basic, speak too of being, and in speak now in all, and of Who, Whom, Which, Where, Why, When and How too that is.

The third of these, now does in all, speak and refer in all again, and to Spirituality, African, and that can be said to speak of Kenya/Tanzania, and if not of the Crucifix too that is. That it in all again, now does speak of one, and as said possessing a said truly Clean Conscience in all, and if not speak too and of what they do call in IFA that is, 'Ori tutu' in all. That what in all again, is said a truly Clean Conscience, or speak too of 'Ori tutu'? It in all, is believed to speak of one and as said fearless, shameless, adroit, thankful/grateful, sentimental etc., and such that, 'Ori tutu', is believed said truly varying, and as with it all even referring, and to someone, and as said always truly Trying, and in speak too of Perfectionism in itself that is. In all, while the first is believed to speak of Skeletons, the second, Courage, said to speak of the Skeletal, the third, now does speak truly of Bones/Skulls in all.

In all, while the above can be said to refer and to speak of Ori, one does also have what they do call the Iponri (or Higher Self), and which does in all even speak of one and as said truly Advanced in all, and in speak of Cognition too, while speak of Ori Inu, now does speak of one and as said truly Advanced in all, and in speak of Imagination too that is.