Wednesday 4 February 2015



Many here, have probably heard of 'Lucy', and in speak now of her real-name, and as versus speak of her said nick-name, and as with it all even said termed Australopithecus that is. That the History of 'Lucy', a female Hominid said to have roamed the Hills of Ethiopia, and before her meeting a fated death in all perhaps, and in a said remote place/spot in Ethiopia, does call for many a deep question in all and of our said origins, Hominid, and in Africa too, and as Ethiopia in all, and as often said too, an ancient land, is not believed to truly speak and of the Cradle in all, or Birth either, and of Human Existence/Civilization that is.

The story of Lucy, could not be said to in all triumph perhaps, and over that of Edwin Drood for instance, but that in all ways truly, speak here now, and of the belief that, many a Scientist today, Western, and as said Paleontologist too, and if not said to engage and in Pre-History too, might very well have us believe that, Lucy, did in all truly struggle, and for all she had, but in the end, only few would be said to make it, and with the rest said falling by, and in a said too, remote place here and there for instance. For many though, the belief that God is probably said real, and in a said belief here, often said disregarded, that Lucy's fall to the side, might very well have spoken of Disease that is.

What is Disease though? Something not too easy to understand, and other than speak of the name of God in all perhaps, but that Disease, and as often believed said to speak of Immunity, does not then tell us too much and about Human nature, and of the very way/manner in all, we do in all fall Sick for instance, but that in all now, Disease, and as probably pointing out to us, whom/who in all we are, in Disbelief/Surprise that is [and not in Shock or Awe truly either].

In all now perhaps, Disease, and in speak of Lucy too here it is believed, and as perhaps arising and with speak and of whom/who in all we are, and in speak of Prevention, Care and of Maintenance, and that such Behaviour in all, does now speak of the very rise and in a belief in God, and if not Man too, and as perceived and as said Selfish that is.

What of those, and who would equate Disease, and as said even and to speak of the Spiritual and in Sickness, and in speak now and of Hominids, and as said experiencing in all perhaps, Predicament in itself, and as said giving birth and to Originality too that is. In all perhaps, speak now, and of Hominid, and as said filled with Pride that is.

Man today though, and in speak of Disease, does often believe himself rather 'deep' in all, and in speak too and of the very rise and of the Medical Tradition for instance. In all, Man, and as said a boastful character in all, but in speak too and of his said a Hominid too that is, does in all even speak and of his said having mastered in all, Help, Aid and Assistance, and where many another said 'fool' perhaps, might have failed, or lagged at that is. In all, speak of Man now, and as often simply said Arrogant that is.

In all, what can be said here, and of Disease, can best be said and to speak of whom/who in all, we are, and in said Defeat or Win, and as with it all even speaking of the double-natured/two-sided ways/manners of Man, and as with it all even speaking of the very manner too it is believed, we do in all fall Sick that is.

Zinjanthropus, or 'Man-Able':