Sunday 8 March 2015

The Man in the Iron Mask

The Man in the Iron Mask.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the false viewing, and of Africa's problems, and from speak too of Help, Aid and Assistance that is. That this manner in all and of viewing Africa's problems, does speak too of Viruses and Disease (Link), and does in all even speak of Africans and in Selfishness, Pride and Arrogance too that is.

The above manner in all, and of viewing Africa, does not present a realistic picture in all, and of Africa's problems, and as it does in all even assume Africans, and to be pitiful creatures, and with no culture to their names, and in many a way truly, said clueless in all, and in regards and to speak of support for instance. This is not actually true or false in all, but in many a way truly, it all does not arrive in all again, and in conclusion too, and in viewing Africa's problems in all, and from speak too of the core that is. That Africa and at the core, does simply speak it is believed here, and of it all viewed, and from speak of Security, Protection and Preservation too that is.

It is in speak of Security and Africa, that History in all, now does speak of Africa, and in speak too of Slavery or Colonialism too that is. That Security in Africa, does differ and from that seen around the World, and as does speak too, of Food Security in itself that is. For in speak of Africa, Security now, and as said to speak truly of Social Security in itself that is. In all, the African Homestead, and as versus speak of the Household and as seen in many another part of the World, for the Household in all, does speak too primarily and of Budgets and Food Security, while the Homestead, does in all even refer and to speak of Psycho-Somatic Health that is [and as including speak of Aids too for instance].

It is in speak of Protection and Africa, that one in all again now does see many, believing African societies in all, or existences truly, and to be more complex in their ways, and as often said described as truly dynamic, and if not vibrant too that is. That Protection in many another part of the World, is believed said to speak of Defence and Defense truly, and if not of Offence, while in Africa, it does speak too, and of Networks, Systems, and if not of Political Organs too that is. That the African Market for instance, does speak truly of Protection in itself, and in speak now and of those who do present themselves at the Market, and to very well present themselves to others, and in speak now and of attempting to very much secure a future for themselves that is. That Drought (and in speak of Ideas too), and speak too of Disease, Mental, are believed said a part of the African Experience, and that the Market place in all, was believed a place and where, Africans in all would interact, and in speak now of Wellness, Welfare and Wellbeing too that is [and as said too, paramount in all, the Market place and in African Political life, and in the creating of an African Social Identity that is].

In speak of Preservation and Africa, speak now and of Africans, and as said defining themselves, and not in speak truly of Shame, but in speak of Shaming that is [and in speak too of one and as said always in Fear that is]. That Africans Politics in all, and that do speak too of African Tribal or Indigenous Identities, do in all even very much speak of Shaming, and not in speak of African Humour truly, but in speak of the African Memory perhaps, and as simply said defined, and in speak of the Sightly, and of the Timely too that is [and with it all even said speaking of Divination and in Africa too that is]. In all, speak now and of African Behaviour, and as often said associated and with speak of Africanization, and if not speak too of Critics that is.