Monday 26 January 2015



Alot has been said, and on the said Dual Nature and of Man that is. For those who are in all asked, and to mull over or ponder this very question, the most definitive of answers often given, does have to do with speak of Man, and as said Feminine or/and Masculine too that is. To some, something to really think about, and as now even said 'deep' in its ways, for the Feminine, is capable of awakening terror in one, while the Masculine, does speak of us and in threat too that is. 

In better understanding all this, many a Man, might very well choose to Trek, and into Asia for instance, and if not Travel their specifically too, and to now very much have disclosed to them, the very belief that, the Dual Nature of Man, is said to speak and of what they do term, they, the Ying and the Yang that is. Upon asking what it does in all exactly mean, the Ying and the Yang, a slow and guided response, and that does in all say, it does in all even equate, and to Man in Day, and Man in Night too that is. The failure in thinking and of one and as said not failing to realize, that Ying and Yang, does speak of White and Black in all, now does lead to the thinking out in all again, and in speak of one sharp breathe here and there, and that the so said and as heard, deeper meaning of Ying/Yang, and as with it in all even believed to speak of one, and as One, does speak of it all and in Breathe that is.

The above though, is not what it all appears to be, and as the latter in all, does speak of the evolution of Asian societies, and in their attempt too perhaps, and in escaping their Hominidal selves it is believed here, and in speak too now, and of Prana for instance, and as often associated and with speak of Semen that is. In having said this, the very belief here that, and that does speak of the Scientist and in Evolutionary Theory, that there does exist, a deeper Theory and to speak of the defining of the Dual Nature of Man, and as now said associated, and with speak too of Language that is. That Language, is often termed Language & Tongue, and for a said good reason.

In this entry, we will attempt to very much truly disclose, this good reason, and to the shock perhaps, or bemusement too, and of many a said Evolutionary Scientist that is. That the Dual Nature, of Man, is believed said to be very much enclosed, and in the Mystical Wisdom of Africa, and as believed said having been known, and to the Romans that is. That the very word Centurion, is believed in all even, and to speak of the Mystical Wisdom of Africa, and as very much associated, and with speak of Hominids, and of Evolution, and in Consciousness too that is [and if not speak of Language in itself in all].

Centurion, a word and that does in all embody, the Dual Nature of Man, and surprisingly enough and to the Western Scientist, believed highly said engrossed or interested, and in truly discovering the deep mystical meaning and of what does speak for Human life, and other than speak of God, and in the very belief that, our most ancient of ancestors, hominids in all, did in all even learn to adapt, and not in speak truly of vegetarian/vegetation diets in all, but in speak now, and of their making it in life, and as said paralleled, and in speak of dinosaurs too that is. 

Centurion, for it in all again is not a word, and that most do associate and with deep or significantly important meanings in all, and as it is believed in all even, that the Knight for instance, did forsake speak of the Dual Nature of Man, and in speak now of his learning to enjoy life, and as embodied and in speak of 'Sang Real' for instance, French, and for Holy Grail / Holy Blood that is, but that the Centurion, believed said merely a Guard, and of the Highest Order too, now actually finding meaning in his life, and via speak of Duality, and as envisioned surprisingly enough, and in a manner in all, African, and that does speak of the Human, and as said Hominid too, and in Language & Tongue that is, and on one Side and as simply defined and in speak of Entertainment, and on the other Side, and in speak of Blood, Gene & Speech too that is.


The most shocking of things perhaps, the disclosing here, that Man, and a way from speak of Gene and Blood, is actually merely said Entertainment, and in truly attempting to ponder, just whom/who in all he is, and as said Entertainment that is, for it all is often believed not to speak of Blood and Gene either, and in speak here and of a ferocious Knife attack, and on a said Innocent too for instance. That Man, can at times act in a rather deranged manner, and that would lead him, to very much actually, suffocate his very own child that is [and if not actually strangle it too].

For speak of Language & Tongue, now does say that, Tongue is merely Entertainment, and in speak of the Mother Tongue too for instance, and Language, simply said Blood, Gene & Speech that is. The most amazing of discoveries, and in speak of the Scientist and the (Rat) Laboratory too, for it is believed here, that speak of Entertainment, and of Blood, Gene & Speech, does in all even speak of Wellbeing, and of Wellness respectively too that is.

Tiger vs. Dragon:

In getting to the point here, and in speak of the Dual Nature of Man, one side of it, does not speak and of the Other (and as the Jungian would truthfully tell one), and in speak too, and of the said Opposite or Inverse nature of Man, but it all now does in all even speak, and of the Indian, and as with he even said on one side, to carry/have Remorse, and on the other, to very much Weep, Cry or Grief alot. 

In all again, and in speak of one and as said partial in ones ways, this all, does very much speak too, and of the very reason why we do in all, seek to wake up early in the Morning, and struggle on and to the Evening/Night, and in speak here and of a said deep Spirituality, and that is believed to have to do, and with our Hominid selves, a Spirituality, once said uncovered it is believed, in Egypt, and as said to speak too of Levitation that is, but that in all ways truly, speak here now, and of the very reason, why one would be proud to be called African that is. That this very act of distinguishing the African, and from the rest, now does speak too of the Middle East, for those in the Middle East, are often believed said and in aspiration, evolutionary, and to in all embody Milk in itself, but in speak of Africa, speak of one and as said Hybrid truly, and in speak of one, and as merely truly said Honey that is.

In Finality, Dualities, and as in all now simply said here, Ritual & Practise that is.

Michael Jackson vs. Slash: