Sunday 16 August 2015


of Orisa.

When we do speak of the said tradition of Orisa, is to now too, associate it all, and not with speak truly of Guardian Ancestors, or Great Ancestors too, but with speak, and of what some do term Ori that is. That Ori, can too be said religion in all, and that does speak of our said Hominid selves. and that within a said African Context, and that does speak too of Christianity, it all does too, speak of, and of what they do call, a Missal too that is. 

In saying that, Orisa, adoes differ and from speak of Orisha, and as said too, the very religion in all, and of the Hominid, is to now too, speak of Orisa, and as said taking to it Egyptian dimensions in all, and in said comparison here, and to speak of Orisha, and which does in all have to it all, said African dimensions that is. 

That in attempting to put this all, and in a said clear context, is to now speak too, and of said African Religion, and as said too Egyptocentric, and as versus that said too simply African that is. That this all, now does too say that, Orisa, speaks too of Religion in all, and that does accommodate speak of Ancestors, and as said Hominid too, but that in all again, you do have what they do call IFA, and as often perceived Oracle too, and which can be said correlated and to speak of Human/Social Behaviour, and that can be said Evolutionary in its ways too in all, and in a manner too, and that does speak of the Tsavo, and in Kenya, and of the said Wildlife in the place, and as said even truly differing in all, and in Behaviour, and from that seen in Wildlife and in the rest of Kenya that is. That IFA, is said Religion, not often correlated, and to speak too of (Mental) Disease that is [and if not of Evolution too, and as perceived, and from speak of Iwa Pele that is].

In saying that, the above, does speak of African Religion, and as said too Egyptocentric, is to now too, speak of African Religion, and as said Evolutionary too, and that does speak of Orisha, and if not of Lucumi, Santeria and Candomble too. That Africa, does differ and from Egypt, and in saying that, Orisha, does not actually speak of Ori, but does speak and of what one could term Aki/Akin, and as said too, and to speak of African definitions of Courage in itself, for African life in all, is often truly said perceived, and from speak of Aki/Akin that is, and in any said Endeavour too. In speak though of Lucumi, Candomble and Santeria too, speak now, and of Africans, and as said possessing to them, said even truly complex manners in all, and of defining Family that is. That the African Family, is known too, to possess, complex manners in all, and of defining Taboo for instance, and such that, African Families, are often said best regarded, and as said even Family systems truly that is [that what they do in all even call the Penitentiary System in the United States of America, would be said acceptable, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Africans do define Family that is]. In finality, speak now, and of Orisa/IFA, and as said too, to speak of the Obi Oracle, and an Oracle too, and that is believed said ancient in spirit in all, and such that, it probably does too, speak of Dinosaurs and in Africa, for in speak of African Religion and as said Orisha / Lucumi-Santeria-Candomble too, is to say it best said associated in all, and with speak and of the Merindinlogun Oracle, and an Oracle too, and that can be said to speak of Tortoise (and of Hare too), and if not of the famed Dodo Bird too that is.

In all, what can be said here, and in speak too of Orisa, and as said perceived and from speak of Destiny too, is to now too, associate speak of Orisa, and with the said term/word of Consonance, but in speak now too of IFA, speak now and of the said terms/words of Resonance, Assonance and Dissonance too that is.