Sunday 29 March 2015



There are those, and who don't simply know, how best in all, and to go about thinking and of life in Africa, and as Africa in all again, and in Theory and if not Philosophy, is simply in all even said not Egypt either that is. In helping one understand all this better, African lives and as said mirroring those said Egyptian, and as versus speak of Africa, and as said paralleling Egypt in all, now does associate the Egyptian World so to speak, and with speak too of many a Force, and as said mitigating one too, and that does in all even track in all, Human Development so to speak. That for the Egyptians, and in speak too now, and of their being viewed in Character, and that can be said to speak too of the Greek term Ethos that is, and whereby in all again, Ethos now, does not actually speak of Fate in all, and as said Karma too that is, but that in all again, and of one and as simply said opening up, and to Nature in itself too perhaps, and in speak of many a Force, said Social too, or in speak too of 'the forces of Nature' that is, and if not those said Evolutionary too, and that do in all even guide one in life, and to any said destination or end, and that one might in all seek out [and without too much regard in all, and for the Means that is, and as with it all even simply said Humour in all actually].

Africa differs though, for in speak of Africa, and of Religion and as said African too, and in the very form/name of IFA, does in all even tell us, that Character in all, does speak too of 'Iwa Pele' that is. For 'Iwa Pele' in all again, does in all even say that, those with said Good Character to them in all, do find themselves guided through life, and in means too, and in speak now, and of Possession in itself that is. That African life and by some, is believed said best lived, and in a state of full Possession in all. In helping one see all this, speak now, and of the primary said function of Man in all again, and in life too, and on this very Earth, and in capacity too and in many a way, and that does in all even say that, Man is in all said on a World Stage of a kind, and as said too, an Actor that is. That the Actor, is simply in all even said possessed in all, and in everything he does, and if not in speak of Perception in itself, for the very world of the African, and in its lowest of levels, does simply speak of one, and as said a Character, and one too said obsessed, infatuated, haunted, tormented, consumed etc., and by life in itself too, and such that, above the Actor, does lie speak too, of the very world of Shakespeare in himself, or speak too, and of what some have termed, Dramatis Personae that is.

In all though, in speak now, and of an African Civilization, speak now truly, and of Africans in all, and in Body too so to speak, simply said Agents, and that can in all even be possessed, and by the greatest of 'Spirits' so to speak (and if not in speak of a Memory too), and that does in all even speak of one, and as said Agent Provocateur that is. In all, African Civilization, and as now envisioned, and in speak of Agents, and of good, bad and evil 'Spirits' in all, and as very much engaged in all again, and in the greatest of Dramas that is, and that does in all even speak of Humans, and as addressed in all, and not in speak of Is, or Be either that is, but in all again, in speak truly now, and of the very word Are that is [and in a said solely fashion too in all].