Thursday 12 February 2015

Time Panels

Time Panels.

In speak here and of Time Panels, is to now and in all even, speak and of the readily making out in all, and of our very existences that is. That it all, does speak too, and of what is said a Reality/Real, and as versus that which is said a Probability/Probable that is.

In helping one understand Time Panels, and as they truly are, speak now, and of Time in itself, and as not perceived and as said Continous, Un-Continous or Non-Continous too, but speak truly and of it all and as said Continous and Discrete too that is. That in understanding Time, and as simply said Continous, is to now in all associate it all, and with speak too of a Principle, and that can be said in all, a Guiding Principle, or speak even, and of the said Uncertainty Principle too for instance. In all again though, in speak of Time and as said Continous and Discrete, is to now and in all even know of it and from an everyday perspective too, and that does speak too of it all, and as said defined, and in speak of many a varying or differing, thought, principle or practise too that is. In helping one understand all this much clearer, speak now and of thought, principle or practise, and as said to speak of Practicality, and not the Theoretical either, but in speak now, and of the transversing and of the Sun and across the Sky, Day, and in speak too now and of it all said too the Day Sky, and in further speak too and of our very Perceptions and of Practicality and in thought, principle and practise too, and as said in all even referring, and to speak too, and of Man and in Imagining and Belief too that is. That Man now, and as said Hominid too, does have his very mind open in all, and to basic speak here in all again, and of Direction in itself, and in speak of the Hominid, and as said evolving and into Man, and if not speak now and of many a wild belief, or speak too and of Hallucination in itself that is.

In having one though, truly understand what Time Panels in all, do truly entail, is to now speak perhaps, and of the one thing and that is believed to truly make us Human: Admittance [and not Conscience truly either]. For Lions in all, are believed said to have a greater Conscience, and in speak too of the rise of Religion, and in speak of Motif/Survival too, but that in all again, the most difficult of tasks faced by any Human out there, does ask for us, to answer in all, and in speak and of whom/who in all we are, and with Admittance in itself too that is.

In all, what exactly is Admittance? For many, a belief in all and that does in all even speak and of us and in Awareness, Conscious States, and if not Consciousness too [and in speak of Reality in itself], but for many another, speak now, and of Parallel Universes, Higher Dimensions, Holographs, Quantum Theory etc., and as said in all again, and to not only speak of Reality in itself, but speak too perhaps and of that said Probable too that is.

However, while the above does refer and to Time Panels, and in speak of Admittance too, and as said speaking of Egypt and in Civilization too in all, in speak of Africa and in regards and to speak of Time Panels, speak now, and of Medicinal Drugs/Drugging for instance (and in Hallucination too), and if not speak truly, and of Viral existences, and that do speak of Bugs for instance.

In all, and in finalizing this, the very question, and that does say, what is it in all you are readily Admitting too, and in speak and of the defining of Reality in itself that is.