Thursday 26 February 2015

The Hurdle

The Hurdle.

Many have probably heard of the word/term in all, the Hurdle, and as often said to speak, and of American Football that is. The Hurdle though, is often said too, associated truly, and with the said greatest Game/Sport of them all: Rugby [and as often said  too and unknown to most, an American creation that is]. The Hurdle though, is believed said known too, and to the most ancient in all, and of our Ancestors, Hominid, and as with it all even said to speak, and of a gathering, close-knit in its ways too in all, and around a said made Fire that is.

In many a way the Hurdle in all, does allow for us to understand Evolution, and in speak too of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is. In helping one understand all this better, Evolution, and as often said a complicated Field of Study perhaps, is to in all now even mention that, many a said Evolutionary Scientist in all again, and as often said Westerner too, does in all even present it all, and from speak too of Evolutionary Theory, and in further speak too of Fossils, Archaeology, and of Man and in Adaptation too that is. In helping one understand all this, speak too now, and of Civilization, and that does in all even speak not only of Egypt, but in many a way truly, and of Ancient  Britain that is, and in speak now and of Civilization arising, and in speak and of Man and in Religion [Link], Primordial. and as simply defined again and by speak of Courage, Innocence and Humility too that is [though in all again, the latter three, do speak truly of Ancient Britain that is] [Link].

Beautiful Times on Earth those were, the very days of King Alfred the Great, and in telling one now that, in speak of Evolutionary Psychology, speak now, and of Man, and as defined and in speak of Methodology, Physiology, Psychology, Theology, Ideology, Ontology, or speak even and of the Organizational too that is. In saying that, Evolutionary Psychology, does in all even speak of Kundalini for instance, and of South Asian Buddhist Traditions too [Link], and in speak now and in all again, and of the Egyptian World, and in said Migration and into Asia too that is, and in now too referring and to the Hurdle, and as said referring and to speak of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is, and as versus speak of Instinct in itself, and that does speak too of Evolutionary Theory that is.

That in all again, Evolutionary Instinct/Games in all, can best be perceived here, and in speak of Africa too, and in speak in all again, and of Egypt, Africa and South Africa too that is. That it all now, does speak too of Disease in itself, and as said Deadly, and of Viruses too, and as said a Threat or Deadly too that is. That in understanding all this better, speak now and of Egypt, and of Alzheimers/Parkinson Disease that is, and of Cancer/Diabetes and South Africa too, and of Ebola/Hepatitis and the rest of Africa that is. That in speak of Egypt, Evolutionary Instinct/Games, and of the Hurdle too, speak now, and of Ancestor/Ancestral Traditions in all, and in speak too of a said great Taboo, and by Egyptians in all, and in not adhering and to the very lives, and of their Ancestors / the Neter that is [that in all, Parkinsons Disease, now does speak too, and of African Health, and as defined truly, and in speak of Diet in itself for instance, and as said Traditional too that is]. In speak of South Africa, and in speak too and of the prevalence of Cancer/Diabetes, speak now, and of what does constitute for Human Existences in all, and of the Hurdle, and in speak of Immunity too that is [and further speak too here, and of the Wizard of Oz, and of Alice in Wonderland too that is]. It is however and in speak of the rest of Africa, and in speak too now of Ebola/Hepatitis that is, and of the Hurdle, and of Evolutionary Instinct/Games too, speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, Harm, Injury or Mutilation too, does impact one, and in speak now and of the Tenacity too, needed in all, and to ward off Ebola for instance [Link].