Friday 20 February 2015


of Jubilation.

This entry, will now attempt to speak on the Hominid, and as having believed said possessing, a Persona of a kind, and in speak now and of the very belief that, Perception now, does speak too and of the Hominidal that is. That in all again, for many, the question does in all very much remain, and in speak and of why in all, we do still persist, and in chasing many a dream, or finding ourselves in many a conversation, and as having to do and with speak of Meaning or Purpose too that is. That it all now, does come down, and to speak of Persona truly, and of History, and not Perception truly either, and which does now have us viewing the Future or Time, and as said Continuous and Discrete too that is.

That in regard and to speak of the Persona, and in regards to Evolution too, and of it all said now to very much go along in all, and with speak too of Meaning and Purpose, and of the very reason it is believed, and of why Human life still very much continues to exist in all, or persist, is to now speak too of it said referring and to speak of Freud, Jung or speak too of Psycho-Therapy that is. That for Freud, the Persona is simply said Ego, Superego and Id too that is. In speak of something not sounding too convincing, and from an Evolutionary perspective too, the Freudian world now, does speak too, and of the Libidinal, and if not of the Libido truly that is [though the latter, the Libido, does in all even refer and to Perception in all]. For Jung, the Persona and as now referring and to Evolution, now said to speak too of Cognition (and of the Cognitive Sciences), of Alchemy, but finally in all again, and in speak too perhaps, and of the I-Ching too for instance. This entry though, does in all even associate the Persona, and as said Evolutionary too, and in speak too of Therapy in all, and in speak now and of defining oneself and as simply said Me, Myself and I that is.

That in all, the very Purpose or Meaning of life, still does continue to confound many, and in speak of Success now, and as truly said associated today, and with speak of Limits in themselves, but that in all again, many an Evolutionary Scientist now, has in all even it is believed, pondered all this, and from speak too of Illness, Sickness and if not Depression in itself that is. That while Spiritual Sickness in all, has often been upraised and historically too and by the likes of St. Thomas of Aquinas for instance, many an Evolutionary Scientist, and perhaps said Therapist too, would probably point out that, most people in all, are truly in all, driven, and by the search for Solace that is. That Solace, is in all even, actually believed and to drive Media today, and as most do know it, but that it all even, does speak too, and of one and as said Me that is. The hunt or search for Solace though, can in all too though, be simply said Historical fact. However though, while many have come to associate it all, and with speak of Sexuality and in Touch too, there are those who do in all even imagine, that the Human Body, and as said Hominidal too perhaps, does have to it, many a Chakra in all, and which is now and in many a way, often imagined, and as said a Wheel of Light, or a Wheel of Energy too, and as Chakras in all, and as said having been known to the Egyptians too, do in all even speak of us and in attachment for instance, and through the Times, Epochs, or in speak of Evolution in itself too that is. Wheels of Light, or Wheels of Energy, and as now connecting us in all, and to a said even Higher Presence, and that could in all speak of God in himself that is.

The above though, does speak of Solace, and the said endless now, search for God and in Meaning/Purpose too, and in the World we do live in today, for there are those, who do believe Evolution in all, is best said grounded in all again, and in speak truly of Jubilation that is. That Jubilation, and in speak too of the Persona, now does refer and to one and as said I, but in speak too now, and of Evolution, speak perhaps, and of said Pressure Points (Chi Gung), and in ones Body, and such that, Evolution, and as said truly associated, and with the the search for Jubilation in all, is believed now and to speak of a life, and as believed said too, rather effortless in its ways, and in speak now and of beliefs and in Free Energy too for instance.

It is in speak though of one and as said Myself, and whereby, one in all again, does truly make contact, and with Evolutionary Theory in all, and as most do know it, and as it does in all even ask us to ponder in all, what does constitute, and for an Evolutionary Consciousness, and that does in all even now, speak and of the very manner/way in all again, we do define Contact that is. That Evolution, is not what most believe it to be, and as most have truly associated it all, and with speak of keen Intelligence for instance, or speak too of outright luck, chance or opportunity in all again, for in many a way truly, Evolution, now does refer and to whom/who in all one has been, and with Contact in itself, Historically too, and in speak too now, and of Routine and of the Subconscious too that is. In all, speak now too, and Spiritism in itself, and as said defining one in Contact, and of the very belief that, speak of Evolution on this Earth, and as said emanating and with speak of Hominids too, does in all even truly lead now, and to speak of Spiritism, Possessive states and of the very belief that, Evolution in all, is actually driven in all again, and by the so termed 'Hand of God', or speak too perhaps, and of Spirits, Heavenly bodies etc., and as now believed said Agents (and of God) too that is.

In all though, the above, Me , Myself and I, and as said in all even now, brought together perhaps, and in speak of Perception, and of Individuals and persons too, and as perhaps now said to speak of Man, and as said an Aborigine too, and in Perception, and in his discovering Fire perhaps, and in a said Ritualized manner in all that is, and if not speak too now, and of the rise of Ancestral/Ancestor worship perhaps, and as said Man's first known Religion that is.

'St. John'