Thursday 5 February 2015



This very entry, does in all even speak of the term Stereotype that is. Stereotype, and as now said in all put asunder, and in speak of Stereo, and of Type, and such that the latter, could be linked and to speak of Ilk and Kind too, while the former, now does have to it, many a connotation, and that does speak in all even, and of Mono, and if not of Hi-Fi Systems too that is.

Stereotype though, but as now said a word too, said in all even defining Man, and away from Woman, and in speak of the Breast of a Man, and of the Groin of a Woman too. However, Stereotype, and as now said truly arising, and with Man, and as now realizing in all it is said, and of his possessing, an Adams Apple, and such that, Woman, and in speak of a Baritone or Bass tone here in all, is simply said perceived, as a Pretty Face, having Long Hair, and if not speak too and of a Butt in place that is.

This entry in all though, is believed said to speak of a Hominid, and who could very well have benn truly Somalian, and in speak of her name and of 'Ardi' that is [Link]. That Ardi, is believed the kind here, and to very much have died away, and in speak of her, and as said a Catch, and if not in Catch too that is. That in all what is been said here, is that, 'Survival of the Fittest', and as said Law on this Earth, could very well speak of Ardi, and as said even differing, and in Organization, and from the rest of us that is.

To in all understand what Organization can be said to be, is to in all even now define Man, and as said Hominid too, and in a three-fold manner/way that is.

The first of these, now does speak of Man, and in speak too of Engagement, and as with it all even defined, and in speak of the Initial, the Start or the Beginning too that is [that the first move or impression in all, is believed to make for all the difference, and in speak now of 'first come, first served', or speak too of 'once bitten, twice shy', but in speak too that is, and of getting it all right, and from the very first step that is].

The second of these, now does speak of Man, and as said Hominid too, and in speak too of Retention, for it does now in all speak of him, and as said an I, Me, Him, Himself, Mine, Yours, Hers, Ours, We, They etc., and in speak now and of his perceiving himself, and in Favour, and in speak too of Law, and that does say, "What goes around, comes around' that is.

The third of these, now does speak of Man, and as said Hominidal too, and in speak too of Activation in all perhaps. That Man, is now said to suffer, and from speak of the stereotypical, bigotry, prejudice, racism, bias etc., and as he does now perceive himself, and in speak too of Rejection in itself that is.

While Man in all, and as defined above, can be said driven and away, and from speak of Injury in itself, in speak of Ardi, speak now perhaps, and of one said Hurting that is (and not in Pain truly either), and as it does in all even speak now and of Organization, and that does speak of the Catch, of the quick-minded, and if not speak of 'the Fastest Man on Earth', and such that, what we are in all hinting at here, and in speak of Civilization too, is that, Japan, and as said Civilization, does now in all even speak too of Ardi, in that, Japanese Organization, is not that which does speak of Injury in itself, but of Hurt/Hurting, and in speak too of the Catch, and as said defined and in speak too of the Samurai, and if not of the Geisha too for instance.

The Hurting: