This very entry, now does have to do, and with speak and of the very manner/way in all, the Hominid, did in all it is said believed, become Man that is. That the Hominid, and in History, has his story in all, said not in all well spelled out, and in speak too now and of Man in himself, envisioning his very origins in all, and in speak and of his believing and in many a Myth of Creation that is.
That the Hominid in all, and in his said first step, and onwards and onto becoming a Man, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all he is (and if truly said a who that is), and in Impression and Imprint, and such that, it is believed that the Hominid in all, does in all even first Realize himself, and upon his in all, placing, his (eye) sight that is, and onto his very Footprints that is. That on this happening, his probable awakening and to himself and as said vulnerable too, and such that, it does not only speak of his said being a Witness in all, but in Intelligence and as said Hominid, it does all not actually speak of his knowing of Direction in itself, and as versus speak too of the Primate, but in all truly now, and in speak of his Steering himself that is [and onwards and to any location desired that is].
In all, the very belief that the Hominid did in all evolve to Man, is believed and in all even, the very heights and of Superstition in itself, and in speak too now, and of the very belief that, the belief that a God did in all create this World, does make for amusement in the very least, and in speak too of Vulnerability in itself that is.
How though, is it in all believed that, the Hominid did in all actually evolve into Man, and in speak and of taking Myths of Creation and into account that is?
The most believable of these theories, that the Hominid in all, did in all even evolve and into Man, does call to us and into asking, what we do in all, perceive, and as said to stand for or represent for in all again, Fun, Enjoyment and Pleasing too that is. That if it can be said, that the Hominid did in all know himself as such, the very belief now and in all again that, he did in all actually make it, and into becoming Man, and in speak now and of what some do term the Pursuit in itself, Intellectual too, and as now said defining whom/who in all Man is, and as said not Animal that is.
The second of these theories, now does propose in all that, Man, is simply said not to be an Island and to himself that is. That Man in all, is actually in need of Companionship of a kind, and in making it through life, and such that, God in Creation, is actually perceived as such, and until Woman in all, is said manifest too, but in speak of the Hominid, Companionship now, and as speaking and of his now said having overcome, many a Hazard, Risk or Danger in itself too that is.
The third of these, now does propose in all that, the origins of Civilization, do in all even lie, and in speak and of his said being a Worker of a kind, and if not Scavenger truly, and such that, Man in all does discover himself, and as said Hominid too, as an Inventor of Tools that is, and such that in all again, he is now and in all even said to define himself in all, and in speak of Task(s), and if not speak of ease and pain too that is.
The fourth of these, now referring to Man, and as said coming and under the influence, and of many a thing, said Spirit too, and in further speak too of persuasion in itself, and as with it all even referring and to Woman, or speak too and of whom/who in all, he is said to be, and with Intent/Interest, and in speak now and of his very reacting and to Pity in itself for instance, and if not Shaming too that is. In all, Man and as said Hominid too, and as believed said simply making his way through life, and in speak and of the avoiding in all, and of Shaming in itself that is.
Finally, speak now and of Man, and as said Hominid too, said in all even intelligent in his ways, and in now saying that, he is in all actually, capable of making out in all, what does pass for a measure, a gauge, a distance, a length etc., and such that, Man, and as said Hominid too, is now believed in all even and to have very much known in all again, Ritual in itself, and as a form/means of Cleansing too for instance.
In all though, the very question still does remain and as with regards to all the above, and as having to do, and with speak of Steering in itself, and if not of Control too, and in speak and of the Hominid, and as now said defined and as becoming Intelligent, referring, and to speak too of Monotheistic, Polytheistic and Atheist Attitudes that is.