Sunday 22 February 2015



Most have heard, and of the very terms, Worldwide, and of the World-at-large too that is. Both in many a way, are often said and to speak of the World, and as it is known today, said Developed too, but in speak now, and of it all said semantic that is. That in all again, speak of the Worldwide, now does speak of one perhaps, and as said possessing a Passport, and as enabling one to travel, and to any place simply regarded as Worldwide in all. Perhaps that did not in all, make for too much sense, for the Worldwide in all again, now does speak too, and of the very manner/way in all, we do perceive suffering/evil, and in our very lives too that is. That Worldwide, now does speak of a situation, and that is believed to have minimal suffering or evil to it, and in speak too, and of not many a problem truly faced that is.

In saying that Worldwide, does now too, refer to us and as said Distinct in ones ways/manners in all, and in speak too of suffering/evil discerned as such, speak now and of the World-at-large, now does speak too and of the singular and unique in all, and in speak now, and of what they do term acrimony that is [that the World-at-large, is now said to speak and of the World, and as said believed efficient and functionable in its ways, and in speak too of Humanity or Mankind, and as said putting many a difference aside, and in now making their societies, simply functionable and as said one that is].

The above in all though, now does speak of the very manner/way in all Humans today, do in all even envision Civilization that is. That it in all again, now does simply speak, and of one and as said simply possessing a Subconscious Mind in all, and in speak and of making it through life that is.

The Pharaohs of old though, never did envision life truly, and from speak of the Worldwide, or World-at-large too that is. For they in all even, did now envision societies, and as truly defined, and by speak of Value, Worth and Dignity too that is. For this all, does speak too, and of what some do call/term 'Egypt's land', and as said a place too, where Pharaoh in all, and in a said Mighty Egypt too, would very much in all, wield power, and that did in all even speak of not taking no for an answer that is. Mighty Pharaoh, and in speak too of the word domain too, now asking of one, and to simply follow many a simple instruction, and in speak now too, and of life and if not of the World in itself, envisioned truly, and from speak only of Death, Killings and Dying too that is. In all, Egypt now, and as said defined, and by speak too, and of Neuro-Melanin/Melanin that is [and as said a Sacred Science too].

What of the fascination and with Black Magic or White Magic? For it is known that Black Magic in all, does in all even, speak, and of the Unconscious, and if not of the Shadow Archetype, and in speak now, and of the attempt, to truly ascertain Reality, and as it truly is. For what in all again, is Reality? It in all, is often taken and from speak too, of Moods and Presences that is. That Reality now, is said described too, and in speak of the Weather, the Climate, and of the Climatic too that is. In saying that Man no longer does view Reality as such, in a said basic sense that is, and in speak now and of his said living, and in polluted and noisy environments in all, is to in all even revert, and to a said belief and that does mention or say that, Reality, and in speak of Mysticism too, can be described, and in speak only of Sound and Light that is. That Man now, and as said discovering Reality as such, the ability to Interpret many a thing, and in meaning or purpose, and in speak only of Light/mood, and of Sound/presence, now does have him imagining up, all sorts of Imaginary or Probable Realities, and which do in all even mesh and with Reality and as it is, and in speak now of (shedding many a) Light and of (the deciphering of) Sound that is. In speak though of White Magic, the very belief that, of the many things so to speak, and that do in all even exist, the belief that, Reality in itself, is simply said grounded in all, and in speak and of only one thing perhaps, and not many another, and in speak of Reality in all, and as said now truly acquainted, and with speak of Nature, the Earths Ecology, and of the Ecological too that is. In all, speak too now, and of the very rise and of many an Oracle that is [and in further speak too here, and of the Surreal, and of Surrealism too that is].

This entry though, does in all even mention, Suicide, and as its very header that is. What though, is Suicide? For Suicide in all, is often truly confused, and for the Suicidal, and which does in all again, speak and of what Jung in all, did call the Animus, and the Anima too that is. In all, the Anima, and the of the Animus, and as said now describing us and to the tee, and in speak too now, and of the Suicidal in itself that is. Suicide though, is said different, and with it all even, believed, something truly African that is. For Suicide, can be said to truly envelop our whole Being, and in speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, we do define Trust and Decency in our lives, and in further speak too now, and of living in truly untrustworthy, and if not truly indecent in all, environs, and such that, one is simply said fear-ridden or fear-filled that is. That in all, the escaping and of such Fear, does in all even make for a genuine in all perhaps, African Drama, but that it does in all even it is believed, speak of the very manner/way most in all, do in all even simply interact, and with Africa in itself that is.

In finalization, all the above, and as simply said now and to speak, and of Man, and in Scent too, but in speak in all again, and of Man, and in Grace too that is [or speak too, and of the unlocking and of the Potential of Man, and to his fullest, and in speak now, and of whom/who in all he is said as such, in Scent and Grace, and as said Hominid/Hominidal and if not Evolutionary too that is].