Saturday 21 February 2015

The Elixir

The Elixir.

This entry, will attempt to pick up, and on where the last entry did in all leave off, and in speak now and of truly pondering, what Perception in itself, is said to be. That it in all again, now does attempt and to speak of Perception, and from speak too of Illness, Sickness and if not of Depression and Disease too that is. That in all, and in speak of the above and as simply said Depression too, speak now, and of Perception too, and as now said associated truly, and with speak of Reality, and as often defined and in speak too of Illusion or Maya that is. That Reality, and as defined as such, Illusion and Maya, now does speak too, and of the Momentary perhaps, and in Time too, and as now said opening one up, and to the very belief that, Reaction, and to anything, and in speak of Perception too, now does have us pondering it all, and from what is said to be happening, and of what is believed said to be happening that is. That the latter, is believed said to speak and of one and in Imagination too, and of the latter, and of reality in itself, for there are those and who in many a way, would point out that, the latter, does speak of reality in itself, and of the former, of Imagination in itself too that is. 

It is here now, and simply where in all again we do get and to speak of the Elixir in itself, in that, Man, and in speak of the Momentary, and if not said lost in thought or Absent-minded too, does in all even realize, he does have to him, an Inner life, and that is descriptive of whom/who in all he is, and as said Emotional too, and as versus speak of the Outer life, and which in all, does now refer, and to speak of Opinion in itself that is.

In having said this, speak now and of what some do perceive and as said the Secret Science that is. That there has been a search, and by Man, and from the very ancient of Times too, and onwards and to speak of Shakespeare, a search, and that does in all even now refer, and to speak of Man and as said truly defined, and in speak of the Inner and Outer life, and such that, he is now said capable and of truly in all, doing in all again, and as he very much would like that is. In speak of perceiving Spiritual Sickness as such, the ability to mend or bridge in all, any said divides in all, and between the Inner and Outer life, he is now said and to in all even, Man that is, speak of the Inner, and as now said associated and with Daydreaming in itself, and of the Outer, and with speak and of the Referential that is.

For others though, the very belief that the Inner, should in all even speak of the Interior life, and one too said defined and by the tumultuous, and if not of hate, envy and anger in all, while the Outer, and as said to simply speak of the Exterior, now does have Man thinking and along the lines of Shame, and if not of Fear in itself that is.

There are those though, and who have in all even heard of the Inner and as said termed Within, and of the Outer, and as said With-out that is. That it in all, now does associate the Within, and with Pre-meditated Thought, and if not in speak of Aggression in itself, and that in speak of the Outer, or With-out, speak now, and of Man, and as simply said defined and in speak of the Necessities of life that is [and as with it all even and in many a way, believed said and to speak simply and of Shakespeare in himself that is].

Shakespeare though, is believed by some or many, much deeper than 'that', that said above that is, but there are those, and who have in all even believed, that speak of Perception in itself, and of the Elixir too (the very merging and of the Inner and Outer life, and in speak of Bliss in itself, and if not Ecstasy too), does in all even speak now, and of a so termed Proto-Ancestor, and as with it all even referring, and to that famed Character, and by H. Rider Haggard too, and of Allan Quatermain that is.

In all, and in speak now again, and of the Secret Science, the very said endless in all, search, and for the Elixir in itself, and by those and who do believe it never was Shakespeare truly, is believed said an ongoing Saga, for the end result, and in speak of Evolution, and if not of the Devil too, is believed said to speak of, more wine, food, drinks, dance, women, partying, blessing etc., and than one could ever manage that is.