Sunday 8 February 2015



This very entry, now does in all pertain, and to speak too of Tirades that is. For what in all again, is a Tirade said to be? It does in all even now, speak, and of whom/who in all again, we are, and as said Upset, and as truly as such, or speak too, and of one said truly Downcast that is. That this in all, now does speak of us, and as said Hominidal and if not Hominid too, and such that, it does in all even refer, and to our now gaining a belief perhaps (and as best said here as such), and in speak of Higher Beings, Heavenly beings, and of Spiritual beings too that is [that the very act in all, and of being made Upset, or Downcast too, does in all even and minimally too, lead us, and to very much believe in all, that Heavenly beings for instance, might actually be said to be truly real that is].

The Story of Civilization though, is never truly told, and from the very perspective, and of the Hominid that is. That this in all, does in all even refer and to speak too and of the very belief that, being Upset or Downcast in all, now does lead us, and to in all even perceive, pain, suffering, strife/struggle, and in certain said manners or ways that is. In many a way too, all this now, speaking of our perceptions in all again, and of pain etc., now does in all even lead us, and in speak of cognition too, and to very much view our realities, and in speak now of Continuous and Discrete Time too that is [and if not speak of indiscretion in all].

In all, being Upset or Downcast, and if not speak of the Tirade, giving birth in all perhaps, and to Human History, and as said arising now, and not in speak of the Event in all, and of many an Imprint or Impression made too, but speak truly, and of the Situation that is [and if not of it all, the Situation, said too, the very act of God, Nature, Spirit, Disease etc.].

In now and in many a way, stating that, Human History, does arise, and with the Situation, and not the Event, is to now in all even attempt, to give a Continental perspective, and in speak too of Hominid Fossils finds that is, and in further speak here and of what does constitute, and for the Situation in all, and around the World too that is [that the Situation, can best be associated, and with speak of a Moment in History, and as with it all even perhaps now coinciding, and in speak of beliefs in all, and in Dinosaurs too that is].

In speaking of America for instance, and in speak too now, and of the said termed Arlington Springs Woman (Link), speak now, and in saying first off too, and of the very belief that, America in all, and in History too, does in all again go along, and with speak of Hominids, and in a manner.way one would in all never expect, and other than speak of the term/name Montauk too for instance. That in America, and alongside speak of the Arlington Springs Woman (Link), the very belief that, the Situation, is in all truly defined, and by speak of the Scenario, Scene, Happening, Problematic, Conditional, Eventful etc., and such that, this is the very manner/way in all, American society and as said Civilization too perhaps, does evolve, and in speak too now, and of American Democracy and if not of the American Republic too, and as said going along in all truly, and with speak of the Hominid in himself that is [that American Violence for instance, can best be said here, and to speak of Hominids truly, and not of Angels truly either]. In all though, a further belief here that, America in all, could very well be home and to the Angel (Link), and if not speak too and of the 'Battle of the Hominids' too that is [Link].

What of Europe, and of Neanderthal Man that is, and who did in all find himself defined and in speak of the Situation, and as said to speak of the Fight, Argue and Bicker too that is. That European History, and as said Sophist too, is not what most believe it to be, and as it does in all even arise, and in speak of war too, but that in all even, it does refer in all again, and to speak of Shakespeare in himself, and if not Middleton too, and who in all would serve as an inspiration, and for many a European, now said Kingly too, and in speak too of Shakespeare, simply learning the very best manners/ways, and of fighting, arguing and bickering, and amongst each other, and such that, European society, is now said to evolve and without a fight, argument or bickering to it, and in speak too of European Humour in itself that is, but in probably saying that France, was more of a higher Civilization than England was, is to now speak of Middleton too, the Musketeer, and in speak too now, and of the Fight, the Argue and the Bicker, and as now said in all, an Internal struggle that is.

And of Italy? Civilization apparently said springing up, and as with it even said Trojan in its ways too, and in speak now, and of what does constitute, and in speak of the Human too, and in the Cry, the Shout or the Scream too that is. That in all again, it can be said that  it is in all, Italian people that is, and who do in all, believe, that the very act of visiting in all again, an open field, and in all again now, venting out ones frustrations, and in speak too of a shout, a cry and of a scream or two, now does in all even speak of the very manner/way, Italy, and as said Civilization, does in all even evolve, and under the very guidance and of Cupid too that is. In all, the Hominid and as said Italian, and as now meeting America too, and in speak of many a Scene, and that does in all even, make for Italian-American Identity that is [Link].

And what of Africa? For Africa, is truly not to be left out of all this, and as most do in all even believe, the African Fossil find, to be more authentic in its ways, and than many another to be seen out there that is. That in speak of Africa, and away from speak of Egypt too, speak now, and of the Hominid and in Situation, truly defined and by only one thing: Intonation. That it is in Africa, and simply where in all again, one does now find the very belief that, Hominids in all, and as now said eating huge amounts of Plantain, do in all even develop bigger Brains, but that in all truly, Intonation, and as said something to study in all, now hinting at the said or known belief that, Language in all, does very much arise, and with speak of Africa that is, and not Egypt truly either [and away from speak of Speech too that is].

In Egypt though, and in speak now too of the terms Cro-Magnon or Grimaldi Man too, it is believed said does now in all even differ, and from speak Zinjanthropus, Homo-Habilis, Homo-Erectus or Homo-Saphien too, for the latter in all, are truly said African, while of Grimaldi Man and him said Cro-Magnon too, are more or less said truly Egyptian, and in speak now and of the very fact that, Civilization in Egypt, and as said Hominid too, now does in all even arise, and in speak of the Situation, and as said defined truly, and in speak of Amusement in itself, and not in speak truly either of Bemusement, the Funny, the Humourous, or speak too of Humour in itself, and such that, it is Egyptian Civilization in all, and that does now associate civility, and with speak of the Image/Word in all, and if not speak of one and as said finding/discovering Hidden Treasure too that is [and as with it all even speaking of Media today, and as simply said Egyptian in all that is].

In all, and in speak here of the very belief that, it is Africa, and not Egypt, and where and in all again, Civilization is believed said to truly exist perhaps, and in saying that, the very word/term Intonation, does speak of a Religion/Spirituality, and that does not speak truly of the Image/Word in all, but in all truly even, and of a Mother in Touch, a Serpent in attack, a dying Elephant, a hunting Eagle/Falcon, or speak too now, and of it all said, the Situation that is, and to speak too of the Primal Forces in us, and of chance, opportunity or luck, or speak too, and of the fast, the quick, and the hurried too that is.