Friday 30 January 2015

Concentric Circles

Concentric Circles.

This very entry, will very much appeal, and to the Hominid in us, and as often referred to as Hominidal too, and if not speak of Man and as said an Ape in all, and not Monkey truly either. In many a way though, this entry, will in all attempt to prove that, Levitation in all for instance, and as said a 'Flase Science' in all, can be said real, and if very much perceived, and from the Mind, and of the Hominid, and as said in all even, rather Innocent in its ways that is.

In helping one understand all this, the Spirituality or Thinking, and that does lead one, and to in all very much believe, that Levitation, could in all be said, rather truly real that is, a 4-part formation in all, and of what does constitute and for the Human Body and as said Hominid too, is very much said presented here, and in speak too, and of what does constitute for Human Imagination, and if not speak of Belief in itself too that is.

That in starting off on all this, the very belief here now, that Man is in all, and as said Hominid too, very much defined, and by his Actions or Deeds, and that do in all even lead and to speak of opportune/opportunity in itself [and as with it all even marked, and in Spirituality too, and by speak of Ceremony too that is]. Second off, speak of Man, and as said Hominid, and as now defined and by speak of Tongue & Speech, and such that, his Mind is in all even said opened, and to speak too, and of the Heavens in themselves that is [and if not of Heavenly beings too in all]. Thirdly, Man and as said Hominid, now defined in all, and by speak of the Transfusion of Knowledge/Wisdom, and as marked in many a way, and by speak of Spiritism too for instance, and such that, Spiritism, is in all explained, and as Intuition too, and by the Flow of Blood, and as said even Transfusion, and in our very Bodies too that is. Fourthly and Lastly, speak now, and of the very manner, a Man, or Hominid, is in all even said very much able, and in Walking, and his taking one step after another, and as with it all even believed driven by a force, and that does speak of an Image too, and as held in ones Head that is [and Spirituality, and that does in all even speak for instance, and of 'the God of Africa' too that is].

In all, and in speak of one and as said comprehending the above, speak now and of one, and as very much opening to the Reality, that Levitation, is in many a way believed said truly real that is.