Thursday 26 February 2015

The Hurdle

The Hurdle.

Many have probably heard of the word/term in all, the Hurdle, and as often said to speak, and of American Football that is. The Hurdle though, is often said too, associated truly, and with the said greatest Game/Sport of them all: Rugby [and as often said  too and unknown to most, an American creation that is]. The Hurdle though, is believed said known too, and to the most ancient in all, and of our Ancestors, Hominid, and as with it all even said to speak, and of a gathering, close-knit in its ways too in all, and around a said made Fire that is.

In many a way the Hurdle in all, does allow for us to understand Evolution, and in speak too of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is. In helping one understand all this better, Evolution, and as often said a complicated Field of Study perhaps, is to in all now even mention that, many a said Evolutionary Scientist in all again, and as often said Westerner too, does in all even present it all, and from speak too of Evolutionary Theory, and in further speak too of Fossils, Archaeology, and of Man and in Adaptation too that is. In helping one understand all this, speak too now, and of Civilization, and that does in all even speak not only of Egypt, but in many a way truly, and of Ancient  Britain that is, and in speak now and of Civilization arising, and in speak and of Man and in Religion [Link], Primordial. and as simply defined again and by speak of Courage, Innocence and Humility too that is [though in all again, the latter three, do speak truly of Ancient Britain that is] [Link].

Beautiful Times on Earth those were, the very days of King Alfred the Great, and in telling one now that, in speak of Evolutionary Psychology, speak now, and of Man, and as defined and in speak of Methodology, Physiology, Psychology, Theology, Ideology, Ontology, or speak even and of the Organizational too that is. In saying that, Evolutionary Psychology, does in all even speak of Kundalini for instance, and of South Asian Buddhist Traditions too [Link], and in speak now and in all again, and of the Egyptian World, and in said Migration and into Asia too that is, and in now too referring and to the Hurdle, and as said referring and to speak of Evolutionary Instinct/Games that is, and as versus speak of Instinct in itself, and that does speak too of Evolutionary Theory that is.

That in all again, Evolutionary Instinct/Games in all, can best be perceived here, and in speak of Africa too, and in speak in all again, and of Egypt, Africa and South Africa too that is. That it all now, does speak too of Disease in itself, and as said Deadly, and of Viruses too, and as said a Threat or Deadly too that is. That in understanding all this better, speak now and of Egypt, and of Alzheimers/Parkinson Disease that is, and of Cancer/Diabetes and South Africa too, and of Ebola/Hepatitis and the rest of Africa that is. That in speak of Egypt, Evolutionary Instinct/Games, and of the Hurdle too, speak now, and of Ancestor/Ancestral Traditions in all, and in speak too of a said great Taboo, and by Egyptians in all, and in not adhering and to the very lives, and of their Ancestors / the Neter that is [that in all, Parkinsons Disease, now does speak too, and of African Health, and as defined truly, and in speak of Diet in itself for instance, and as said Traditional too that is]. In speak of South Africa, and in speak too and of the prevalence of Cancer/Diabetes, speak now, and of what does constitute for Human Existences in all, and of the Hurdle, and in speak of Immunity too that is [and further speak too here, and of the Wizard of Oz, and of Alice in Wonderland too that is]. It is however and in speak of the rest of Africa, and in speak too now of Ebola/Hepatitis that is, and of the Hurdle, and of Evolutionary Instinct/Games too, speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, Harm, Injury or Mutilation too, does impact one, and in speak now and of the Tenacity too, needed in all, and to ward off Ebola for instance [Link].

Sunday 22 February 2015



Most have heard, and of the very terms, Worldwide, and of the World-at-large too that is. Both in many a way, are often said and to speak of the World, and as it is known today, said Developed too, but in speak now, and of it all said semantic that is. That in all again, speak of the Worldwide, now does speak of one perhaps, and as said possessing a Passport, and as enabling one to travel, and to any place simply regarded as Worldwide in all. Perhaps that did not in all, make for too much sense, for the Worldwide in all again, now does speak too, and of the very manner/way in all, we do perceive suffering/evil, and in our very lives too that is. That Worldwide, now does speak of a situation, and that is believed to have minimal suffering or evil to it, and in speak too, and of not many a problem truly faced that is.

In saying that Worldwide, does now too, refer to us and as said Distinct in ones ways/manners in all, and in speak too of suffering/evil discerned as such, speak now and of the World-at-large, now does speak too and of the singular and unique in all, and in speak now, and of what they do term acrimony that is [that the World-at-large, is now said to speak and of the World, and as said believed efficient and functionable in its ways, and in speak too of Humanity or Mankind, and as said putting many a difference aside, and in now making their societies, simply functionable and as said one that is].

The above in all though, now does speak of the very manner/way in all Humans today, do in all even envision Civilization that is. That it in all again, now does simply speak, and of one and as said simply possessing a Subconscious Mind in all, and in speak and of making it through life that is.

The Pharaohs of old though, never did envision life truly, and from speak of the Worldwide, or World-at-large too that is. For they in all even, did now envision societies, and as truly defined, and by speak of Value, Worth and Dignity too that is. For this all, does speak too, and of what some do call/term 'Egypt's land', and as said a place too, where Pharaoh in all, and in a said Mighty Egypt too, would very much in all, wield power, and that did in all even speak of not taking no for an answer that is. Mighty Pharaoh, and in speak too of the word domain too, now asking of one, and to simply follow many a simple instruction, and in speak now too, and of life and if not of the World in itself, envisioned truly, and from speak only of Death, Killings and Dying too that is. In all, Egypt now, and as said defined, and by speak too, and of Neuro-Melanin/Melanin that is [and as said a Sacred Science too].

What of the fascination and with Black Magic or White Magic? For it is known that Black Magic in all, does in all even, speak, and of the Unconscious, and if not of the Shadow Archetype, and in speak now, and of the attempt, to truly ascertain Reality, and as it truly is. For what in all again, is Reality? It in all, is often taken and from speak too, of Moods and Presences that is. That Reality now, is said described too, and in speak of the Weather, the Climate, and of the Climatic too that is. In saying that Man no longer does view Reality as such, in a said basic sense that is, and in speak now and of his said living, and in polluted and noisy environments in all, is to in all even revert, and to a said belief and that does mention or say that, Reality, and in speak of Mysticism too, can be described, and in speak only of Sound and Light that is. That Man now, and as said discovering Reality as such, the ability to Interpret many a thing, and in meaning or purpose, and in speak only of Light/mood, and of Sound/presence, now does have him imagining up, all sorts of Imaginary or Probable Realities, and which do in all even mesh and with Reality and as it is, and in speak now of (shedding many a) Light and of (the deciphering of) Sound that is. In speak though of White Magic, the very belief that, of the many things so to speak, and that do in all even exist, the belief that, Reality in itself, is simply said grounded in all, and in speak and of only one thing perhaps, and not many another, and in speak of Reality in all, and as said now truly acquainted, and with speak of Nature, the Earths Ecology, and of the Ecological too that is. In all, speak too now, and of the very rise and of many an Oracle that is [and in further speak too here, and of the Surreal, and of Surrealism too that is].

This entry though, does in all even mention, Suicide, and as its very header that is. What though, is Suicide? For Suicide in all, is often truly confused, and for the Suicidal, and which does in all again, speak and of what Jung in all, did call the Animus, and the Anima too that is. In all, the Anima, and the of the Animus, and as said now describing us and to the tee, and in speak too now, and of the Suicidal in itself that is. Suicide though, is said different, and with it all even, believed, something truly African that is. For Suicide, can be said to truly envelop our whole Being, and in speak now, and of the very manner/way in all, we do define Trust and Decency in our lives, and in further speak too now, and of living in truly untrustworthy, and if not truly indecent in all, environs, and such that, one is simply said fear-ridden or fear-filled that is. That in all, the escaping and of such Fear, does in all even make for a genuine in all perhaps, African Drama, but that it does in all even it is believed, speak of the very manner/way most in all, do in all even simply interact, and with Africa in itself that is.

In finalization, all the above, and as simply said now and to speak, and of Man, and in Scent too, but in speak in all again, and of Man, and in Grace too that is [or speak too, and of the unlocking and of the Potential of Man, and to his fullest, and in speak now, and of whom/who in all he is said as such, in Scent and Grace, and as said Hominid/Hominidal and if not Evolutionary too that is].

Saturday 21 February 2015

The Elixir

The Elixir.

This entry, will attempt to pick up, and on where the last entry did in all leave off, and in speak now and of truly pondering, what Perception in itself, is said to be. That it in all again, now does attempt and to speak of Perception, and from speak too of Illness, Sickness and if not of Depression and Disease too that is. That in all, and in speak of the above and as simply said Depression too, speak now, and of Perception too, and as now said associated truly, and with speak of Reality, and as often defined and in speak too of Illusion or Maya that is. That Reality, and as defined as such, Illusion and Maya, now does speak too, and of the Momentary perhaps, and in Time too, and as now said opening one up, and to the very belief that, Reaction, and to anything, and in speak of Perception too, now does have us pondering it all, and from what is said to be happening, and of what is believed said to be happening that is. That the latter, is believed said to speak and of one and in Imagination too, and of the latter, and of reality in itself, for there are those and who in many a way, would point out that, the latter, does speak of reality in itself, and of the former, of Imagination in itself too that is. 

It is here now, and simply where in all again we do get and to speak of the Elixir in itself, in that, Man, and in speak of the Momentary, and if not said lost in thought or Absent-minded too, does in all even realize, he does have to him, an Inner life, and that is descriptive of whom/who in all he is, and as said Emotional too, and as versus speak of the Outer life, and which in all, does now refer, and to speak of Opinion in itself that is.

In having said this, speak now and of what some do perceive and as said the Secret Science that is. That there has been a search, and by Man, and from the very ancient of Times too, and onwards and to speak of Shakespeare, a search, and that does in all even now refer, and to speak of Man and as said truly defined, and in speak of the Inner and Outer life, and such that, he is now said capable and of truly in all, doing in all again, and as he very much would like that is. In speak of perceiving Spiritual Sickness as such, the ability to mend or bridge in all, any said divides in all, and between the Inner and Outer life, he is now said and to in all even, Man that is, speak of the Inner, and as now said associated and with Daydreaming in itself, and of the Outer, and with speak and of the Referential that is.

For others though, the very belief that the Inner, should in all even speak of the Interior life, and one too said defined and by the tumultuous, and if not of hate, envy and anger in all, while the Outer, and as said to simply speak of the Exterior, now does have Man thinking and along the lines of Shame, and if not of Fear in itself that is.

There are those though, and who have in all even heard of the Inner and as said termed Within, and of the Outer, and as said With-out that is. That it in all, now does associate the Within, and with Pre-meditated Thought, and if not in speak of Aggression in itself, and that in speak of the Outer, or With-out, speak now, and of Man, and as simply said defined and in speak of the Necessities of life that is [and as with it all even and in many a way, believed said and to speak simply and of Shakespeare in himself that is].

Shakespeare though, is believed by some or many, much deeper than 'that', that said above that is, but there are those, and who have in all even believed, that speak of Perception in itself, and of the Elixir too (the very merging and of the Inner and Outer life, and in speak of Bliss in itself, and if not Ecstasy too), does in all even speak now, and of a so termed Proto-Ancestor, and as with it all even referring, and to that famed Character, and by H. Rider Haggard too, and of Allan Quatermain that is.

In all, and in speak now again, and of the Secret Science, the very said endless in all, search, and for the Elixir in itself, and by those and who do believe it never was Shakespeare truly, is believed said an ongoing Saga, for the end result, and in speak of Evolution, and if not of the Devil too, is believed said to speak of, more wine, food, drinks, dance, women, partying, blessing etc., and than one could ever manage that is.

Friday 20 February 2015


of Jubilation.

This entry, will now attempt to speak on the Hominid, and as having believed said possessing, a Persona of a kind, and in speak now and of the very belief that, Perception now, does speak too and of the Hominidal that is. That in all again, for many, the question does in all very much remain, and in speak and of why in all, we do still persist, and in chasing many a dream, or finding ourselves in many a conversation, and as having to do and with speak of Meaning or Purpose too that is. That it all now, does come down, and to speak of Persona truly, and of History, and not Perception truly either, and which does now have us viewing the Future or Time, and as said Continuous and Discrete too that is.

That in regard and to speak of the Persona, and in regards to Evolution too, and of it all said now to very much go along in all, and with speak too of Meaning and Purpose, and of the very reason it is believed, and of why Human life still very much continues to exist in all, or persist, is to now speak too of it said referring and to speak of Freud, Jung or speak too of Psycho-Therapy that is. That for Freud, the Persona is simply said Ego, Superego and Id too that is. In speak of something not sounding too convincing, and from an Evolutionary perspective too, the Freudian world now, does speak too, and of the Libidinal, and if not of the Libido truly that is [though the latter, the Libido, does in all even refer and to Perception in all]. For Jung, the Persona and as now referring and to Evolution, now said to speak too of Cognition (and of the Cognitive Sciences), of Alchemy, but finally in all again, and in speak too perhaps, and of the I-Ching too for instance. This entry though, does in all even associate the Persona, and as said Evolutionary too, and in speak too of Therapy in all, and in speak now and of defining oneself and as simply said Me, Myself and I that is.

That in all, the very Purpose or Meaning of life, still does continue to confound many, and in speak of Success now, and as truly said associated today, and with speak of Limits in themselves, but that in all again, many an Evolutionary Scientist now, has in all even it is believed, pondered all this, and from speak too of Illness, Sickness and if not Depression in itself that is. That while Spiritual Sickness in all, has often been upraised and historically too and by the likes of St. Thomas of Aquinas for instance, many an Evolutionary Scientist, and perhaps said Therapist too, would probably point out that, most people in all, are truly in all, driven, and by the search for Solace that is. That Solace, is in all even, actually believed and to drive Media today, and as most do know it, but that it all even, does speak too, and of one and as said Me that is. The hunt or search for Solace though, can in all too though, be simply said Historical fact. However though, while many have come to associate it all, and with speak of Sexuality and in Touch too, there are those who do in all even imagine, that the Human Body, and as said Hominidal too perhaps, does have to it, many a Chakra in all, and which is now and in many a way, often imagined, and as said a Wheel of Light, or a Wheel of Energy too, and as Chakras in all, and as said having been known to the Egyptians too, do in all even speak of us and in attachment for instance, and through the Times, Epochs, or in speak of Evolution in itself too that is. Wheels of Light, or Wheels of Energy, and as now connecting us in all, and to a said even Higher Presence, and that could in all speak of God in himself that is.

The above though, does speak of Solace, and the said endless now, search for God and in Meaning/Purpose too, and in the World we do live in today, for there are those, who do believe Evolution in all, is best said grounded in all again, and in speak truly of Jubilation that is. That Jubilation, and in speak too of the Persona, now does refer and to one and as said I, but in speak too now, and of Evolution, speak perhaps, and of said Pressure Points (Chi Gung), and in ones Body, and such that, Evolution, and as said truly associated, and with the the search for Jubilation in all, is believed now and to speak of a life, and as believed said too, rather effortless in its ways, and in speak now and of beliefs and in Free Energy too for instance.

It is in speak though of one and as said Myself, and whereby, one in all again, does truly make contact, and with Evolutionary Theory in all, and as most do know it, and as it does in all even ask us to ponder in all, what does constitute, and for an Evolutionary Consciousness, and that does in all even now, speak and of the very manner/way in all again, we do define Contact that is. That Evolution, is not what most believe it to be, and as most have truly associated it all, and with speak of keen Intelligence for instance, or speak too of outright luck, chance or opportunity in all again, for in many a way truly, Evolution, now does refer and to whom/who in all one has been, and with Contact in itself, Historically too, and in speak too now, and of Routine and of the Subconscious too that is. In all, speak now too, and Spiritism in itself, and as said defining one in Contact, and of the very belief that, speak of Evolution on this Earth, and as said emanating and with speak of Hominids too, does in all even truly lead now, and to speak of Spiritism, Possessive states and of the very belief that, Evolution in all, is actually driven in all again, and by the so termed 'Hand of God', or speak too perhaps, and of Spirits, Heavenly bodies etc., and as now believed said Agents (and of God) too that is.

In all though, the above, Me , Myself and I, and as said in all even now, brought together perhaps, and in speak of Perception, and of Individuals and persons too, and as perhaps now said to speak of Man, and as said an Aborigine too, and in Perception, and in his discovering Fire perhaps, and in a said Ritualized manner in all that is, and if not speak too now, and of the rise of Ancestral/Ancestor worship perhaps, and as said Man's first known Religion that is.

'St. John'

Thursday 12 February 2015



This very entry, now does have to do, and with speak and of the very manner/way in all, the Hominid, did in all it is said believed, become Man that is. That the Hominid, and in History, has his story in all, said not in all well spelled out, and in speak too now and of Man in himself, envisioning his very origins in all, and in speak and of his believing and in many a Myth of Creation that is.

That the Hominid in all, and in his said first step, and onwards and onto becoming a Man, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all he is (and if truly said a who that is), and in Impression and Imprint, and such that, it is believed that the Hominid in all, does in all even first Realize himself, and upon his in all, placing, his (eye) sight that is, and onto his very Footprints that is. That on this happening, his probable awakening and to himself and as said vulnerable too, and such that, it does not only speak of his said being a Witness in all, but in Intelligence and as said Hominid, it does all not actually speak of his knowing of Direction in itself, and as versus speak too of the Primate, but in all truly now, and in speak of his Steering himself that is [and onwards and to any location desired that is].

In all, the very belief that the Hominid did in all evolve to Man, is believed and in all even, the very heights and of Superstition in itself, and in speak too now, and of the very belief that, the belief that a God did in all create this World, does make for amusement in the very least, and in speak too of Vulnerability in itself that is.

How though, is it in all believed that, the Hominid did in all actually evolve into Man, and in speak and of taking Myths of Creation and into account that is?

The most believable of these theories, that the Hominid in all, did in all even evolve and into Man, does call to us and into asking, what we do in all, perceive, and as said to stand for or represent for in all again, Fun, Enjoyment and Pleasing too that is. That if it can be said, that the Hominid did in all know himself as such, the very belief now and in all again that, he did in all actually make it, and into becoming Man, and in speak now and of what some do term the Pursuit in itself, Intellectual too, and as now said defining whom/who in all Man is, and as said not Animal that is.

The second of these theories, now does propose in all that, Man, is simply said not to be an Island and to himself that is. That Man in all, is actually in need of Companionship of a kind, and in making it through life, and such that, God in Creation, is actually perceived as such, and until Woman in all, is said manifest too, but in speak of the Hominid, Companionship now, and as speaking and of his now said having overcome, many a Hazard, Risk or Danger in itself too that is.

The third of these, now does propose in all that, the origins of Civilization, do in all even lie, and in speak and of his said being a Worker of a kind, and if not Scavenger truly, and such that, Man in all does discover himself, and as said Hominid too, as an Inventor of Tools that is, and such that in all again, he is now and in all even said to define himself in all, and in speak of Task(s), and if not speak of ease and pain too that is.

The fourth of these, now referring to Man, and as said coming and under the influence, and of many a thing, said Spirit too, and in further speak too of persuasion in itself, and as with it all even referring and to Woman, or speak too and of whom/who in all, he is said to be, and with Intent/Interest, and in speak now and of his very reacting and to Pity in itself for instance, and if not Shaming too that is. In all, Man and as said Hominid too, and as believed said simply making his way through life, and in speak and of the avoiding in all, and of Shaming in itself that is.

Finally, speak now and of Man, and as said Hominid too, said in all even intelligent in his ways, and in now saying that, he is in all actually, capable of making out in all, what does pass for a measure, a gauge, a distance, a length etc., and such that, Man, and as said Hominid too, is now believed in all even and to have very much known in all again, Ritual in itself, and as a form/means of Cleansing too for instance.

In all though, the very question still does remain and as with regards to all the above, and as having to do, and with speak of Steering in itself, and if not of Control too, and in speak and of the Hominid, and as now said defined and as becoming Intelligent, referring, and to speak too of Monotheistic, Polytheistic and Atheist Attitudes that is.

Time Panels

Time Panels.

In speak here and of Time Panels, is to now and in all even, speak and of the readily making out in all, and of our very existences that is. That it all, does speak too, and of what is said a Reality/Real, and as versus that which is said a Probability/Probable that is.

In helping one understand Time Panels, and as they truly are, speak now, and of Time in itself, and as not perceived and as said Continous, Un-Continous or Non-Continous too, but speak truly and of it all and as said Continous and Discrete too that is. That in understanding Time, and as simply said Continous, is to now in all associate it all, and with speak too of a Principle, and that can be said in all, a Guiding Principle, or speak even, and of the said Uncertainty Principle too for instance. In all again though, in speak of Time and as said Continous and Discrete, is to now and in all even know of it and from an everyday perspective too, and that does speak too of it all, and as said defined, and in speak of many a varying or differing, thought, principle or practise too that is. In helping one understand all this much clearer, speak now and of thought, principle or practise, and as said to speak of Practicality, and not the Theoretical either, but in speak now, and of the transversing and of the Sun and across the Sky, Day, and in speak too now and of it all said too the Day Sky, and in further speak too and of our very Perceptions and of Practicality and in thought, principle and practise too, and as said in all even referring, and to speak too, and of Man and in Imagining and Belief too that is. That Man now, and as said Hominid too, does have his very mind open in all, and to basic speak here in all again, and of Direction in itself, and in speak of the Hominid, and as said evolving and into Man, and if not speak now and of many a wild belief, or speak too and of Hallucination in itself that is.

In having one though, truly understand what Time Panels in all, do truly entail, is to now speak perhaps, and of the one thing and that is believed to truly make us Human: Admittance [and not Conscience truly either]. For Lions in all, are believed said to have a greater Conscience, and in speak too of the rise of Religion, and in speak of Motif/Survival too, but that in all again, the most difficult of tasks faced by any Human out there, does ask for us, to answer in all, and in speak and of whom/who in all we are, and with Admittance in itself too that is.

In all, what exactly is Admittance? For many, a belief in all and that does in all even speak and of us and in Awareness, Conscious States, and if not Consciousness too [and in speak of Reality in itself], but for many another, speak now, and of Parallel Universes, Higher Dimensions, Holographs, Quantum Theory etc., and as said in all again, and to not only speak of Reality in itself, but speak too perhaps and of that said Probable too that is.

However, while the above does refer and to Time Panels, and in speak of Admittance too, and as said speaking of Egypt and in Civilization too in all, in speak of Africa and in regards and to speak of Time Panels, speak now, and of Medicinal Drugs/Drugging for instance (and in Hallucination too), and if not speak truly, and of Viral existences, and that do speak of Bugs for instance.

In all, and in finalizing this, the very question, and that does say, what is it in all you are readily Admitting too, and in speak and of the defining of Reality in itself that is.

Monday 9 February 2015



This very entry, will in all again, attempt, and to present Man, and as said rising above in all, and of whom/who in all again, he is said as Hominid, and in speak too now, and of Michael Jackson too, and of his said hit song 'You are just another Part of Me' that is [that Man now, is simply said made up of many a Part that is].

In having said all this, now to speak and of Man, and as said perhaps caught up, and in speak of the Situational, and if not of the Consequential too that is [or speak too perhaps, and of Man and as put on the Spot, and if not said put in his Place too that is]. That it all too, could now speak of Man, and as said feigning Embarrassment, Shame or Guilt, and in speak now perhaps, and of the very manner/way in all, he has come to define himself, and in speak of Protection, Preservation and if not speak of Security in itself too that is [that it all does speak of Man and as said Secure in himself, and such that, many a thought, worry or belief too, and about Tomorrow, are in all taken into a said context, and in speak now and of a mind said free of worry, sorrow or trouble too that is].

In perhaps speaking of Man, and as defined as such, as above that is, it does in all even now again, speak of Man, and in speak of two words that is: the Indent/Mark, and of Gladness too that is. That Man and in his most basic of senses, and as said Hominid too, can very well be associated, and with speak of a Mark, and that in all again, the very Marks made by Man so to speak, do differ, and from those made by other Animals that is [that the Mark in all again, now does speak and of what does in all for instance, impact, and if not afflict or affect, Man in himself that is].

In having said now, that Man is simply said Indent, and in pointing out too that, the most basic or base truly, and of Emotion, that Man, is said to experience in all, and as Hominid too perhaps, does speak of Gladness, is to now in all even refer, and to Man and as simply said now coming into contact with Spirit for instance, and if not speak of the Sun or Moon in itself, and as said perceived or referring and to Man, and as developing concepts of Time, and if not of Reality and the Present, and as said to truly speak of the Situational and the Consequential too, and if not of Gladness in itself that is [that in all again, it is the Situational that is said to be truly real, and in Experience or in speak of the Physical too, and everything else said Hallucinatory, and in speak of the Consequential too, and if not speak of the Subconscious Mind, and as probably said Hominid too that is].

In continuity, speak now and of the above, Gladness and Indent/Marks, and as said to speak of Man and in Anticipation/Symbol and if not speak of Astonishment/Sign too perhaps, but that it does in all again, and in speak here and of the very act of being Glad, arouse in all even, Animosity perhaps, and in another, and in speak of Impressions or Imprints too that is. That hopefully, this is all understood, and as it does in all even, speak of Man and in Perception, and as said grounded in all and in speak of the real/reality, and as truly said Situational perhaps, and if not Consequential too, and as said now truly defining Man, and in speak of Fear in itself, and if not speak of the Fear of Death, and as often said associated and with speak of Shame, Laughter, Surprise, Mockery etc., and as now said defining Man too, and in Memory, and if not Instinct too that is].

In having said all this, and in now throwing in, Instinct and into all this, speak now and of Instinct too, and as said defined and in speak now of Fear, and as said referring to speak of a Longing for instance, and if not Thirst truly either, and as said in all again now defining Man, and as said Hominidal too, but as said in all again, Quintessential, and if not speak of the Other too that is [that the Other, now does in all even speak of Man, and as his viewing his environments, and in speak too and of the Enemy that is][and in speak too now, and of Man and as simply said deciphered, and in speak too of Parts that is].

In all again, the above and as going along too interestingly enough, and with speak too of 'a Peoples History of the United States of America' that is, and as said now said referring and to speak of American History, and in three Stages too that is : Boston/Bostonian (Link), America (Link) and Hollywood (Link) too. That the three, do in all even refer and to the United States of America, and in Indent/Mark, and if not speak of Gladness too in particular, and such that, Hollywood now, is said to redefine American life, and not in speak of Communications truly, but in speak and of what they do and in all even Long for, or speak too and of one and as simply said Thankful too that is [Link1, Link2].

Sunday 8 February 2015



This very entry, now does in all pertain, and to speak too of Tirades that is. For what in all again, is a Tirade said to be? It does in all even now, speak, and of whom/who in all again, we are, and as said Upset, and as truly as such, or speak too, and of one said truly Downcast that is. That this in all, now does speak of us, and as said Hominidal and if not Hominid too, and such that, it does in all even refer, and to our now gaining a belief perhaps (and as best said here as such), and in speak of Higher Beings, Heavenly beings, and of Spiritual beings too that is [that the very act in all, and of being made Upset, or Downcast too, does in all even and minimally too, lead us, and to very much believe in all, that Heavenly beings for instance, might actually be said to be truly real that is].

The Story of Civilization though, is never truly told, and from the very perspective, and of the Hominid that is. That this in all, does in all even refer and to speak too and of the very belief that, being Upset or Downcast in all, now does lead us, and to in all even perceive, pain, suffering, strife/struggle, and in certain said manners or ways that is. In many a way too, all this now, speaking of our perceptions in all again, and of pain etc., now does in all even lead us, and in speak of cognition too, and to very much view our realities, and in speak now of Continuous and Discrete Time too that is [and if not speak of indiscretion in all].

In all, being Upset or Downcast, and if not speak of the Tirade, giving birth in all perhaps, and to Human History, and as said arising now, and not in speak of the Event in all, and of many an Imprint or Impression made too, but speak truly, and of the Situation that is [and if not of it all, the Situation, said too, the very act of God, Nature, Spirit, Disease etc.].

In now and in many a way, stating that, Human History, does arise, and with the Situation, and not the Event, is to now in all even attempt, to give a Continental perspective, and in speak too of Hominid Fossils finds that is, and in further speak here and of what does constitute, and for the Situation in all, and around the World too that is [that the Situation, can best be associated, and with speak of a Moment in History, and as with it all even perhaps now coinciding, and in speak of beliefs in all, and in Dinosaurs too that is].

In speaking of America for instance, and in speak too now, and of the said termed Arlington Springs Woman (Link), speak now, and in saying first off too, and of the very belief that, America in all, and in History too, does in all again go along, and with speak of Hominids, and in a manner.way one would in all never expect, and other than speak of the term/name Montauk too for instance. That in America, and alongside speak of the Arlington Springs Woman (Link), the very belief that, the Situation, is in all truly defined, and by speak of the Scenario, Scene, Happening, Problematic, Conditional, Eventful etc., and such that, this is the very manner/way in all, American society and as said Civilization too perhaps, does evolve, and in speak too now, and of American Democracy and if not of the American Republic too, and as said going along in all truly, and with speak of the Hominid in himself that is [that American Violence for instance, can best be said here, and to speak of Hominids truly, and not of Angels truly either]. In all though, a further belief here that, America in all, could very well be home and to the Angel (Link), and if not speak too and of the 'Battle of the Hominids' too that is [Link].

What of Europe, and of Neanderthal Man that is, and who did in all find himself defined and in speak of the Situation, and as said to speak of the Fight, Argue and Bicker too that is. That European History, and as said Sophist too, is not what most believe it to be, and as it does in all even arise, and in speak of war too, but that in all even, it does refer in all again, and to speak of Shakespeare in himself, and if not Middleton too, and who in all would serve as an inspiration, and for many a European, now said Kingly too, and in speak too of Shakespeare, simply learning the very best manners/ways, and of fighting, arguing and bickering, and amongst each other, and such that, European society, is now said to evolve and without a fight, argument or bickering to it, and in speak too of European Humour in itself that is, but in probably saying that France, was more of a higher Civilization than England was, is to now speak of Middleton too, the Musketeer, and in speak too now, and of the Fight, the Argue and the Bicker, and as now said in all, an Internal struggle that is.

And of Italy? Civilization apparently said springing up, and as with it even said Trojan in its ways too, and in speak now, and of what does constitute, and in speak of the Human too, and in the Cry, the Shout or the Scream too that is. That in all again, it can be said that  it is in all, Italian people that is, and who do in all, believe, that the very act of visiting in all again, an open field, and in all again now, venting out ones frustrations, and in speak too of a shout, a cry and of a scream or two, now does in all even speak of the very manner/way, Italy, and as said Civilization, does in all even evolve, and under the very guidance and of Cupid too that is. In all, the Hominid and as said Italian, and as now meeting America too, and in speak of many a Scene, and that does in all even, make for Italian-American Identity that is [Link].

And what of Africa? For Africa, is truly not to be left out of all this, and as most do in all even believe, the African Fossil find, to be more authentic in its ways, and than many another to be seen out there that is. That in speak of Africa, and away from speak of Egypt too, speak now, and of the Hominid and in Situation, truly defined and by only one thing: Intonation. That it is in Africa, and simply where in all again, one does now find the very belief that, Hominids in all, and as now said eating huge amounts of Plantain, do in all even develop bigger Brains, but that in all truly, Intonation, and as said something to study in all, now hinting at the said or known belief that, Language in all, does very much arise, and with speak of Africa that is, and not Egypt truly either [and away from speak of Speech too that is].

In Egypt though, and in speak now too of the terms Cro-Magnon or Grimaldi Man too, it is believed said does now in all even differ, and from speak Zinjanthropus, Homo-Habilis, Homo-Erectus or Homo-Saphien too, for the latter in all, are truly said African, while of Grimaldi Man and him said Cro-Magnon too, are more or less said truly Egyptian, and in speak now and of the very fact that, Civilization in Egypt, and as said Hominid too, now does in all even arise, and in speak of the Situation, and as said defined truly, and in speak of Amusement in itself, and not in speak truly either of Bemusement, the Funny, the Humourous, or speak too of Humour in itself, and such that, it is Egyptian Civilization in all, and that does now associate civility, and with speak of the Image/Word in all, and if not speak of one and as said finding/discovering Hidden Treasure too that is [and as with it all even speaking of Media today, and as simply said Egyptian in all that is].

In all, and in speak here of the very belief that, it is Africa, and not Egypt, and where and in all again, Civilization is believed said to truly exist perhaps, and in saying that, the very word/term Intonation, does speak of a Religion/Spirituality, and that does not speak truly of the Image/Word in all, but in all truly even, and of a Mother in Touch, a Serpent in attack, a dying Elephant, a hunting Eagle/Falcon, or speak too now, and of it all said, the Situation that is, and to speak too of the Primal Forces in us, and of chance, opportunity or luck, or speak too, and of the fast, the quick, and the hurried too that is.

Thursday 5 February 2015



This very entry, does in all even speak of the term Stereotype that is. Stereotype, and as now said in all put asunder, and in speak of Stereo, and of Type, and such that the latter, could be linked and to speak of Ilk and Kind too, while the former, now does have to it, many a connotation, and that does speak in all even, and of Mono, and if not of Hi-Fi Systems too that is.

Stereotype though, but as now said a word too, said in all even defining Man, and away from Woman, and in speak of the Breast of a Man, and of the Groin of a Woman too. However, Stereotype, and as now said truly arising, and with Man, and as now realizing in all it is said, and of his possessing, an Adams Apple, and such that, Woman, and in speak of a Baritone or Bass tone here in all, is simply said perceived, as a Pretty Face, having Long Hair, and if not speak too and of a Butt in place that is.

This entry in all though, is believed said to speak of a Hominid, and who could very well have benn truly Somalian, and in speak of her name and of 'Ardi' that is [Link]. That Ardi, is believed the kind here, and to very much have died away, and in speak of her, and as said a Catch, and if not in Catch too that is. That in all what is been said here, is that, 'Survival of the Fittest', and as said Law on this Earth, could very well speak of Ardi, and as said even differing, and in Organization, and from the rest of us that is.

To in all understand what Organization can be said to be, is to in all even now define Man, and as said Hominid too, and in a three-fold manner/way that is.

The first of these, now does speak of Man, and in speak too of Engagement, and as with it all even defined, and in speak of the Initial, the Start or the Beginning too that is [that the first move or impression in all, is believed to make for all the difference, and in speak now of 'first come, first served', or speak too of 'once bitten, twice shy', but in speak too that is, and of getting it all right, and from the very first step that is].

The second of these, now does speak of Man, and as said Hominid too, and in speak too of Retention, for it does now in all speak of him, and as said an I, Me, Him, Himself, Mine, Yours, Hers, Ours, We, They etc., and in speak now and of his perceiving himself, and in Favour, and in speak too of Law, and that does say, "What goes around, comes around' that is.

The third of these, now does speak of Man, and as said Hominidal too, and in speak too of Activation in all perhaps. That Man, is now said to suffer, and from speak of the stereotypical, bigotry, prejudice, racism, bias etc., and as he does now perceive himself, and in speak too of Rejection in itself that is.

While Man in all, and as defined above, can be said driven and away, and from speak of Injury in itself, in speak of Ardi, speak now perhaps, and of one said Hurting that is (and not in Pain truly either), and as it does in all even speak now and of Organization, and that does speak of the Catch, of the quick-minded, and if not speak of 'the Fastest Man on Earth', and such that, what we are in all hinting at here, and in speak of Civilization too, is that, Japan, and as said Civilization, does now in all even speak too of Ardi, in that, Japanese Organization, is not that which does speak of Injury in itself, but of Hurt/Hurting, and in speak too of the Catch, and as said defined and in speak too of the Samurai, and if not of the Geisha too for instance.

The Hurting:

Wednesday 4 February 2015



Many here, have probably heard of 'Lucy', and in speak now of her real-name, and as versus speak of her said nick-name, and as with it all even said termed Australopithecus that is. That the History of 'Lucy', a female Hominid said to have roamed the Hills of Ethiopia, and before her meeting a fated death in all perhaps, and in a said remote place/spot in Ethiopia, does call for many a deep question in all and of our said origins, Hominid, and in Africa too, and as Ethiopia in all, and as often said too, an ancient land, is not believed to truly speak and of the Cradle in all, or Birth either, and of Human Existence/Civilization that is.

The story of Lucy, could not be said to in all triumph perhaps, and over that of Edwin Drood for instance, but that in all ways truly, speak here now, and of the belief that, many a Scientist today, Western, and as said Paleontologist too, and if not said to engage and in Pre-History too, might very well have us believe that, Lucy, did in all truly struggle, and for all she had, but in the end, only few would be said to make it, and with the rest said falling by, and in a said too, remote place here and there for instance. For many though, the belief that God is probably said real, and in a said belief here, often said disregarded, that Lucy's fall to the side, might very well have spoken of Disease that is.

What is Disease though? Something not too easy to understand, and other than speak of the name of God in all perhaps, but that Disease, and as often believed said to speak of Immunity, does not then tell us too much and about Human nature, and of the very way/manner in all, we do in all fall Sick for instance, but that in all now, Disease, and as probably pointing out to us, whom/who in all we are, in Disbelief/Surprise that is [and not in Shock or Awe truly either].

In all now perhaps, Disease, and in speak of Lucy too here it is believed, and as perhaps arising and with speak and of whom/who in all we are, and in speak of Prevention, Care and of Maintenance, and that such Behaviour in all, does now speak of the very rise and in a belief in God, and if not Man too, and as perceived and as said Selfish that is.

What of those, and who would equate Disease, and as said even and to speak of the Spiritual and in Sickness, and in speak now and of Hominids, and as said experiencing in all perhaps, Predicament in itself, and as said giving birth and to Originality too that is. In all perhaps, speak now, and of Hominid, and as said filled with Pride that is.

Man today though, and in speak of Disease, does often believe himself rather 'deep' in all, and in speak too and of the very rise and of the Medical Tradition for instance. In all, Man, and as said a boastful character in all, but in speak too and of his said a Hominid too that is, does in all even speak and of his said having mastered in all, Help, Aid and Assistance, and where many another said 'fool' perhaps, might have failed, or lagged at that is. In all, speak of Man now, and as often simply said Arrogant that is.

In all, what can be said here, and of Disease, can best be said and to speak of whom/who in all, we are, and in said Defeat or Win, and as with it all even speaking of the double-natured/two-sided ways/manners of Man, and as with it all even speaking of the very manner too it is believed, we do in all fall Sick that is.

Zinjanthropus, or 'Man-Able':