Friday, 30 January 2015

Concentric Circles

Concentric Circles.

This very entry, will very much appeal, and to the Hominid in us, and as often referred to as Hominidal too, and if not speak of Man and as said an Ape in all, and not Monkey truly either. In many a way though, this entry, will in all attempt to prove that, Levitation in all for instance, and as said a 'Flase Science' in all, can be said real, and if very much perceived, and from the Mind, and of the Hominid, and as said in all even, rather Innocent in its ways that is.

In helping one understand all this, the Spirituality or Thinking, and that does lead one, and to in all very much believe, that Levitation, could in all be said, rather truly real that is, a 4-part formation in all, and of what does constitute and for the Human Body and as said Hominid too, is very much said presented here, and in speak too, and of what does constitute for Human Imagination, and if not speak of Belief in itself too that is.

That in starting off on all this, the very belief here now, that Man is in all, and as said Hominid too, very much defined, and by his Actions or Deeds, and that do in all even lead and to speak of opportune/opportunity in itself [and as with it all even marked, and in Spirituality too, and by speak of Ceremony too that is]. Second off, speak of Man, and as said Hominid, and as now defined and by speak of Tongue & Speech, and such that, his Mind is in all even said opened, and to speak too, and of the Heavens in themselves that is [and if not of Heavenly beings too in all]. Thirdly, Man and as said Hominid, now defined in all, and by speak of the Transfusion of Knowledge/Wisdom, and as marked in many a way, and by speak of Spiritism too for instance, and such that, Spiritism, is in all explained, and as Intuition too, and by the Flow of Blood, and as said even Transfusion, and in our very Bodies too that is. Fourthly and Lastly, speak now, and of the very manner, a Man, or Hominid, is in all even said very much able, and in Walking, and his taking one step after another, and as with it all even believed driven by a force, and that does speak of an Image too, and as held in ones Head that is [and Spirituality, and that does in all even speak for instance, and of 'the God of Africa' too that is].

In all, and in speak of one and as said comprehending the above, speak now and of one, and as very much opening to the Reality, that Levitation, is in many a way believed said truly real that is.

Monday, 26 January 2015



Alot has been said, and on the said Dual Nature and of Man that is. For those who are in all asked, and to mull over or ponder this very question, the most definitive of answers often given, does have to do with speak of Man, and as said Feminine or/and Masculine too that is. To some, something to really think about, and as now even said 'deep' in its ways, for the Feminine, is capable of awakening terror in one, while the Masculine, does speak of us and in threat too that is. 

In better understanding all this, many a Man, might very well choose to Trek, and into Asia for instance, and if not Travel their specifically too, and to now very much have disclosed to them, the very belief that, the Dual Nature of Man, is said to speak and of what they do term, they, the Ying and the Yang that is. Upon asking what it does in all exactly mean, the Ying and the Yang, a slow and guided response, and that does in all say, it does in all even equate, and to Man in Day, and Man in Night too that is. The failure in thinking and of one and as said not failing to realize, that Ying and Yang, does speak of White and Black in all, now does lead to the thinking out in all again, and in speak of one sharp breathe here and there, and that the so said and as heard, deeper meaning of Ying/Yang, and as with it in all even believed to speak of one, and as One, does speak of it all and in Breathe that is.

The above though, is not what it all appears to be, and as the latter in all, does speak of the evolution of Asian societies, and in their attempt too perhaps, and in escaping their Hominidal selves it is believed here, and in speak too now, and of Prana for instance, and as often associated and with speak of Semen that is. In having said this, the very belief here that, and that does speak of the Scientist and in Evolutionary Theory, that there does exist, a deeper Theory and to speak of the defining of the Dual Nature of Man, and as now said associated, and with speak too of Language that is. That Language, is often termed Language & Tongue, and for a said good reason.

In this entry, we will attempt to very much truly disclose, this good reason, and to the shock perhaps, or bemusement too, and of many a said Evolutionary Scientist that is. That the Dual Nature, of Man, is believed said to be very much enclosed, and in the Mystical Wisdom of Africa, and as believed said having been known, and to the Romans that is. That the very word Centurion, is believed in all even, and to speak of the Mystical Wisdom of Africa, and as very much associated, and with speak of Hominids, and of Evolution, and in Consciousness too that is [and if not speak of Language in itself in all].

Centurion, a word and that does in all embody, the Dual Nature of Man, and surprisingly enough and to the Western Scientist, believed highly said engrossed or interested, and in truly discovering the deep mystical meaning and of what does speak for Human life, and other than speak of God, and in the very belief that, our most ancient of ancestors, hominids in all, did in all even learn to adapt, and not in speak truly of vegetarian/vegetation diets in all, but in speak now, and of their making it in life, and as said paralleled, and in speak of dinosaurs too that is. 

Centurion, for it in all again is not a word, and that most do associate and with deep or significantly important meanings in all, and as it is believed in all even, that the Knight for instance, did forsake speak of the Dual Nature of Man, and in speak now of his learning to enjoy life, and as embodied and in speak of 'Sang Real' for instance, French, and for Holy Grail / Holy Blood that is, but that the Centurion, believed said merely a Guard, and of the Highest Order too, now actually finding meaning in his life, and via speak of Duality, and as envisioned surprisingly enough, and in a manner in all, African, and that does speak of the Human, and as said Hominid too, and in Language & Tongue that is, and on one Side and as simply defined and in speak of Entertainment, and on the other Side, and in speak of Blood, Gene & Speech too that is.


The most shocking of things perhaps, the disclosing here, that Man, and a way from speak of Gene and Blood, is actually merely said Entertainment, and in truly attempting to ponder, just whom/who in all he is, and as said Entertainment that is, for it all is often believed not to speak of Blood and Gene either, and in speak here and of a ferocious Knife attack, and on a said Innocent too for instance. That Man, can at times act in a rather deranged manner, and that would lead him, to very much actually, suffocate his very own child that is [and if not actually strangle it too].

For speak of Language & Tongue, now does say that, Tongue is merely Entertainment, and in speak of the Mother Tongue too for instance, and Language, simply said Blood, Gene & Speech that is. The most amazing of discoveries, and in speak of the Scientist and the (Rat) Laboratory too, for it is believed here, that speak of Entertainment, and of Blood, Gene & Speech, does in all even speak of Wellbeing, and of Wellness respectively too that is.

Tiger vs. Dragon:

In getting to the point here, and in speak of the Dual Nature of Man, one side of it, does not speak and of the Other (and as the Jungian would truthfully tell one), and in speak too, and of the said Opposite or Inverse nature of Man, but it all now does in all even speak, and of the Indian, and as with he even said on one side, to carry/have Remorse, and on the other, to very much Weep, Cry or Grief alot. 

In all again, and in speak of one and as said partial in ones ways, this all, does very much speak too, and of the very reason why we do in all, seek to wake up early in the Morning, and struggle on and to the Evening/Night, and in speak here and of a said deep Spirituality, and that is believed to have to do, and with our Hominid selves, a Spirituality, once said uncovered it is believed, in Egypt, and as said to speak too of Levitation that is, but that in all ways truly, speak here now, and of the very reason, why one would be proud to be called African that is. That this very act of distinguishing the African, and from the rest, now does speak too of the Middle East, for those in the Middle East, are often believed said and in aspiration, evolutionary, and to in all embody Milk in itself, but in speak of Africa, speak of one and as said Hybrid truly, and in speak of one, and as merely truly said Honey that is.

In Finality, Dualities, and as in all now simply said here, Ritual & Practise that is.

Michael Jackson vs. Slash:

Saturday, 17 January 2015



There is a tale often told, numerous a time, differing in its ways though, and that does associate the origins of Man, and on this Earth, and with speak of many an African Sky God that is. This myth or tale, does in all even state that, the origins of Man, do in all even speak of his said now simply materializing on Earth, and other than speak of his said molded in all, and from clay or mud too, and such that on doing as such, he is in many a way now simply perceived and as going on his own, and in speak of survival in all, and if not said very much surviving that is, and such that, on doing as such, he is now said lonely, and on succeeding to a certain extent that is, and at which point in all, God, and as said a Sky-God too, now does offer him a companion, and in the name of Woman too. The story though and as it is enacted or told, now does in all even attempt to imprint on one, Mans loneliness, and as with he said even successful in his ways, but more importantly and for those who do in all, buy into this story, a lasting impression of a sort or kind in all is made, and upon Woman, is very much said to appear that is.

The advent of Human life on this Earth though, is in many a way, often said believed to go along, and with speak of whom/who in all he is, and as said a Predator of a kind that is. That he is now in the very least, simply said Hunter & Gatherer for instance, but in time, said very much to perceive Animal life in all, and as said Game too that is.

In time and in all again, he is now in all too, said in all involved and in Predatory activity, and when it does in all come, down, and to speak of his fellow Human beings that is. He is in all said, and to be involved and in speak now of the term/word Gaming, and such that, it does in all even speak of Political Games, but in many a way too, speak of his now said preying on his neighbour in all, and in speak too, of many an imprint or impression made that is.

The very world of Gaming though, is now believed said to evolve and into speak of Human relations/relationships in all, and as said too, involving speak of Social Games that is. In time, and as Man in all does become rather Intellectual in his ways, his said believing now, that many of the Creatures around him, falsely believed said Animal too, are more or less believed said civil in their ways, and as Man now, and in his attempts perhaps, and to explain many a Loss, Gain or Profit made for instance, now does in all even theorize Human life, and as said to encompass 'the Law of the Jungle', and if not speak of Man and as uncovering Law/Theory on this Earth, and that does speak in all even, and of Human relationships/relations, and as now involved in many a way, and in speak now and of the uncovering or discovery, and of a Fundamental Law on this Earth, and that does speak too of Evolutionary Games that is [and as said to in all even, speak of whom/who in all Humans are, and in speak of Morbidity too for instance, and if not speak and of one and as said possessing an intense Fascination (and for something) that is].

What though, does the above exactly entail or embody in all? It in many a way, can be said to speak and of whom/who in all we are, and as Predators that is. However, speak now, and of Man, and as said creating/fomenting Human relationships/relations, and that do speak of Memory and Procedure, and as now perhaps involving what Freud in all, did call the Pleasure Principle, in that, Man does forego the very belief that Life in all, does speak more of the Procedure and than the Memory, and as he does now start or begin to believe  in all that, life, and as grounded in Memory, does probably make for more civil existences, and as compared to that which does concentrate on Procedure, and in speak now of the Pleasure Principle, and as having us in the very least, remember our Child selves, and as we do grow up, but that in all ways even, such purity or innocence retained, now does speak of developed societies in all, and where Memory, does prevail, and over Procedure, and as said to enact that is.

The above said forms in all of Existences, are not comparable some do believe, and to those that do in all even speak, and of Sensitivity that is. That the very world of Human relationships/relations, and as said grounded in all perhaps, and in speak of Sensitivity, and Sensitivity  too in all, and as said to speak of Predators too, can be said to be the most interesting of topics and if not subjects out there that is. That Sensitivity, and as said Human, does triumph in all it is believed, and over speak of the Pleasure Principle for instance, and as Sensitivity in all, does speak of Man and as said a Hominid too, and one in all, and who does suffer for instance, and from many a Flash and in/of Memory that is (and in speak too even of a Memory Flashback for instance), and such that, Imagination in all, or Belief too, and as said associated and with Emotion, and as said to speak of Flashes of Memory, now does in all even it is believed triumph over Memory, and as said associated and with the Pleasure Principle that is [Flashes - Link].

That those in all, very much said Sensitized, and into developing Memory or Imagination too and that does speak of Sensitivity in all, are now believed creative and in a manner or way, and that does in all even speak of overcoming Doubt in itself that is, and such that, Humans are in all even said to be Predators and of the most magnanimous variety in all, and in speak here too of Evolutionary Games, and in the very belief that, the overcoming of Doubt, does in all even speak of one and as very much attaining the highest levels of enjoyment in all, but in speak now of Evil and as said manifest and in ones environs (and as said to speak of Balance for instance), does in all even speak of the most interesting of Evils, and in speak now, and of one and as truly perceived in all even, and as said truly Indiscrete that is.

Friday, 16 January 2015



When one does ponder the very belief and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Human Evolution on this Earth, and as said very much driven by the Need to Survive, and as with it all even said Instinct too, it is in all believed and surprisingly enough, and to speak of Man and as said not Animal or Creature that is. That Human Need, now here simply said Hominidal in itself, does in all even grow and into speak of Want or Desire too perhaps, but with the primary motivator for all this, Instinct, and that does speak of Survival too, and the Need in all and to very much want to Survive (and outside speak of Death, Procreation or Principle, Evolutionary too), is now believed associated, and with speak of Invisible, Evolutionary or Supernatural forces, and as now said acting or playing out, and within our very Bodies, and in speak too of Bodily Mechanisms that is.

This stated Theory, is not believed wrong, and other than speak and of what does constitute for Evolutionary forces in all, but that in all again, speak of Evolution and as associated and with speak of Need, Want or Desire, Human, now does in all even refer, and to the troubling perspective in all, and that does in all even now speak and of Human Cognition in itself, and of Memory and as arising as such, and as now said evolving/changing, and in speak of Invisible forces too for instance. All this, speak of Human Cognition in all, is now believed and to lead and to speak of Man now, Hominidal, and as said envisioning many a said God, and if not detected in all, and as said a Presence too, and by which now, Civilization, is believed said to arise, and in speak of Man, Hominidal, having made full contact, and with a said God too perhaps, and as a Presence, and in speak of Human Behaviour now, simply said truly Practise, and not speak of Humans, and as said Hominid, and as believed even said Scavengers that is.

The above Theory in all again, and of Man and as said Hominidal, and as now said in many a way Sensitive in all, and to influence and by forces/agents, and as believed in all even said Invisible, now does bring to it all a differing perspective to Human Evolution, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of Desperation that is. That Desperation, and as said having a Human Face to it, does in all even speak of, Human Folly that is, but it does now in all again, call into question, the very manner or way we do perceive life on this Earth, and as said not speak of Want, Need or Desire, but in speak too of Human Cognition, and the very belief that Evolution on this Earth, is said very much guided, and by speak too of Invisible agents for instance, but that in all ways now, speak too and of life and as deciphered, and in speak of Hits & Misses, and in speak of Laughter, or in speak of Bemusement too, and as said referring and to Desperation in all, and in further speak now perhaps, and of Human societies, and as said evolving, and in speak here, and of Info/Cyber-Wars too for instance.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Great Expectations

Great Expectations.

What in many a way, does in all belie, speak, and of Media Africa, and as with it all even now associating Human Evolution for instance, and in speak of Invisible Agents/Forces in all, and not speak of Engagement truly either. That in all, the very question and of what is believed said Expected and of life, and on this Earth too perhaps, and away from speak of Human Selfishness that is, does apparently continue to baffle most that is. That the very belief in all, that we are in all here to carry out Gods Work, does not in all even it is believed, speak of Human Evolution, and as said referring and to speak of Ancestors or Families, but in all even, speak now and of the very manner Imagination or Belief, is said to arise in all, and with Humans, and as versus speak of Memory and Procedure too for instance.

In many a way, a generic guess here in all and that does speak even and of the very manner/way, it is believed Higher Beings, Spiritual beings (and as said Ancestral too), or even Heavenly beings in all, do in all perhaps, 'make us out' that is:

Higher Beings: - Link

Spiritual beings: - Link

Heavenly beings: - Link

Media Africa

Media Africa.

This very Blog, does in all have the intention, and of simply exploring what does constitute for Human Affairs, and in Africa too, and not speak in all again, and of Human relationships/relations in themselves that is. That the very world of Human relationships/relations, is believed said understood to most, and in speak of Family, Ancestors, or even Organization in itself, but that of Human Affairs, is believed said more complicated, and in speak here of Drama, or Lingua Franca too that is.

In all, what exactly are Human Affairs? For while the very world of African Human relationships/relations, can be said defined and in speak of African Gods in all, or in speak too of the Orisha for instance, that of Human Affairs is believed more interesting in its ways, and as it does in all even now speak of Higher Beings, Spiritual beings, or speak even and of Heavenly beings too that is. That the world of Higher Beings so to speak, does in all even speak of their said becoming of us, while that of Spiritual beings, does in all speak of their said, possessing us that is, while that of Heavenly beings, does in all even refer, and to their said belonging, and onto us that is.

That in understanding this better, now in all, the attempt here and to define Time Panels, and as said to simply speak of Continuous and Discrete Time in itself, and in speak too and of what does pass for the Experiential in all, and in speak now of Higher Beings, Spiritual beings or even Heavenly beings too, and as now in all even perceived, and in speak too of the very manner/way we do in all process Time, and as simply said Continuous or Discrete too that is [that it in all, does simply refer in all again, and to what some do term 'Figments of ones Imagination' that is].

In all, this very Blog here, and as now attempting to speak on African Human Affairs, and in speak too perhaps, and of the Human Skull/Brain in itself, and as said housing the Frontal Lobes, Back Lobes, Side Lobes, or speak even and of the Reptilian and Mammalian Brain in us all too, and as now in all even associated and with speak of Humour, Sensualism, or even Perception in itself too, and as having to do with the very manner/way we do in all process Time, and as said Continuous or Discrete, and as with it all even now simply said to awaken us in all again, and to very much viewing, the said truly unexpected for instance, and in speak here and of the said sighting of a Ghost too that is.

In all, Media Africa, and as now said a Media, and that does equate the Human experience, and in speech too, and with speak of Forensic Science in all for instance.